About Us


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Cable TV
CAFES - College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events Information for Submitting Events
Calendar, Academic (Registrar's Office)

Camps, Sports: Football, Basketball and Volleyball
Campus Climate Report
Campus Farm
Campus Information Desk

Campus Map
Campus Organizational Chart
Campus Planning
Campus Reservations
Campus Safety and Health
Campus Victim Advocate
Card Office (w/Online Services)

Career Services
Career Treks
Cars (Fleet Vehicles)
CAS - College of Arts and Sciences
Cashiers Office, Student Billing

Catalog (Degree Requirements and Courses)
Catalog (Submit Program Updates)
College of Education, Business and Allied Health
Centennial Science Hall (Building)

Center for Agricultural Business Management and Engagement
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Central Stores
Central Heating Plant (Building)
Certification (Teacher Licensing)
Chairpersons, Department and Unit
Chalk and Wire
Chalmer Davee LibraryChancellor

Chancellor Student Ambassadors
Chancellor's Award for Excellence for Academic Staff
Chancellor's Award for Excellence for University Staff
Chancellor's Award for Excellence for Students
Change Work Address (HR link in eSIS)

Cheesemaker Workshop
Chemistry Department
Child Care, C.H.I.L.D. Center
China, Experience

Class Schedule
Classified Staff Award
Climate on Campus
Climbing Wall Fees

Clinical Exercise Physiology
Clothing, UWRF Sweatshirts, T-shirts, etc.
Clubs and Organizations
CMS Training
Coaching Minor

Commencement, Graduation
Committees (Student Senate)
CommonSpot Training pages (Web Authors)
Communication and Media Studies Department

Communication Sciences and Disorders Department
Communication Sciences and Disorders Graduate Degree
Companion Animal – Animal Science Major

Computer Science and Information Systems Department
Conference and Event Services
Conservation and Environmental Planning Major
Conservation Minor

Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching (COST)
Continuing Education
Costa Rica Sustainability International Education Abroad
Counseling and School Psychology Department
Counseling Graduate Degree

Counseling Services
Course Descriptions
Course Fee Approvals (Special)
Crime Report, Campus

Criminology Major
Criminology Minor
Crop and Soil Science Major

Crop Science Minor
CRSCA (Celebrating Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement)
Custodial Services (Facilities Management)
Customized Learning for Educators

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Safety, Campus
Schedule a Room on Campus
Schedules, Class
Scholars, Falcon
Scholarship: McNair

School Psychology Graduate Program
Science, General (Minor for Elementary Science Teachers)

Scotland, in Wisconsin
Secondary Education Graduate Degree
Security, University Police Department
Segregated Fees
Sexual Assault/Harassment

Small Business Development Center
Smoking (see Tobacco-free Policy)
Social Studies, Broad Field
Social Work Department

Sociology, Criminology, and Anthropology Department
Sociology Major
Sociology Minor
Soil Science Minor
Special Course Fee Approvals

Sports Camps
Sports Information
Sports, Intramural
Sports Schedule
Spring Break

St. Croix Valley Tourism

Store, Falcon Shop (
Strategic Planning
Strength and Conditioning (HHP)
Student Ability Services
Student Absence Policy
Student Affairs

Student Billing
Student Center
Student Conduct and Community Standards
Student Handbook
Student Health and Counseling Services
Student Health Services

Student Involvement (student life)
Student Newsletter
Student Organizations
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Senate

Student Services and Programs
Student Success Center
Student Support Services (TRIO)
Student Union
Student Voice
Study Abroad

Summer Concert Series
Summer Session
Sundial, Richard D. Swensen
Surplus Property Program

Survey Research Center, Regional Development Institute (RDI)
Surveys (Qualtrics)
Suspension, Academic
Sustainability Studies Minor
Sustainable Enterprise Management Certificate / Science Certificate
Sustainable Management Degree and Certificates

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Year of ...

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