Pre-Veterinary Medicine is a program of study designed to meet the requirements for admission into a school or college of veterinary medicine. Most pre-veterinary students are animal science, dairy science, biology, or chemistry majors, as many courses in the pre-vet program are also requirements for those degrees. However, other majors are also possible.
Students have the greatest success in applying to veterinary schools in the state in which they reside. For most River Falls students, this includes the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Both schools have similar course requremenst for admission. Application to other schools of veterinary medicine is also possible.
The program shown below exceeds the minimum requirements for admission to some veterinary colleges; including the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Minnesota. Based on the experiences of its many successful pre-veterinary students, the university recommends that students complete the full program in order to be better prepared for veterinary school.
A. General Education: Communications, Arts, and Humanities 15 cr. hrs.
ENGL 100, ENGL 200 6 cr.
COMS 101 or COMS 116 3 cr.
Electives selected from art, literature, music and theatre 6 cr.
B. General Education: Social and Behavioral Sciences 6 cr. hrs.
Select from anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, or sociology
C. Science and Math 64-71 cr. hrs.
MATH 146, MATH 147 (or higher) 3-8 cr.
ANSC 341 Biometrics 3 cr. or MATH 216, or MATH 226, or MATH 231
BIOL 150 or BIOL 160, BIOL 230, BIOL 240, BIOL 324 13 cr.
CHEM 111 and 116, CHEM 112 and 117 (or CHEM 130), CHEM 231, CHEM 232, CHEM 236, CHEM 237, CHEM 360 or CHEM 361 21-23 cr.
PHYS 121, PHYS 122, or PHYS 131, PHYS 132 10 cr.
ANSC 111, ANSC 121, ANSC 231, ANSC 257 (or BIOL 350), ANSC 345 14 cr.
D. Electives
Variable number of credits selected to meet requirements of specific veterinary colleges and/or to fulfill academic major and minor requirements for a degree.
TOTAL 85-90 cr. hrs.
244 Food Science Addition
406 Agricultural Science