Dean of Students Office

Segregated Fees

All students are assessed segregated fees, in addition to instructional fees, for services, programs, and facilities supporting the UW-River Falls mission.

Segregated fees are allocable or non-allocable.

  • Allocable: support mainly student-organized activities, e.g., Student Senate and Student Organizations
  • Non-allocable: provide support for student-services operations and facilities, e.g., Student Health Services and the University Center

In consultation with the Chancellor, students have primary responsibility for setting the allocable segregated fee budgets. The UW System Board of Regents confirms the final budget.

Campus administration determines the final recommendations for the non-allocable fee budgets. However, students are invited to participate in the non-allocable fee budget review process.

Segregated Fee Summary

Segregated fees are calculated based on a 32-week academic year, an eight-week summer (25%), and a four-week J-Term (12.5%). Segregated fees are subject to change.


Fall 2024

J-Term 2025

Spring 2025

Summer 2025

Supports UWRF varsity athletics.





Campus Recreation
Finances Outdoor Recreation, Intramural Sports, and Group Fitness programming.





Campus Recreation Facilities
Supports day-to-day operating costs associated with Hunt Arena and Knowles Fieldhouse.





Career Services
Provides enhanced services including networking socials and on-campus interviews bringing more than 600 employers to campus annually.





C.H.I.L.D. Center Building
Offsets building debt and maintenance expenses.





Falcon Center Operations
Funds day-to-day operating costs of the Falcon Center, and all outdoor varsity and intramural activities.





Falcon Center/Health & Human Performance Debt Service
Covers the Falcon Center bond.





Student Involvement Programming
Ensures engaging programming helping students develop interests, ask questions, and seek growth opportunities outside the classroom.





*ID Card
Subsidizes the official university ID and the services provided by the ID Card Office. 





Intramural Complex
Supports its operating and maintenance costs.





Media Clubs
Supports the campus radio station, WRFW; "Focus on U," campus TV program; "Student Voice," weekly student newspaper; and "Prologue," an annual literary and original art publication.





Municipal Services
Covers local emergency services, fire department services, and local police services.





Ramer Stadium Sports Complex
Contributes to the ongoing sports complex upkeep. Intramural sports, sports clubs, and varsity teams use this complex.





Sport Clubs
Makes possible the 14 or more registered, non-varsity, UWRF student sport clubs.





*Student Health Services
Finances basic health services at M Health Fairview Clinic and Pierce County Reproductive Health. Funds professional mental health counseling accessible on-campus and remotely along with SilverCloud online mental health. Covers health and wellness information, student health policy advocacy, and prevention-focused programming.





Student Involvement Operating
Supports staff and operating expenses focused on student development programming including leadership, mentoring, service, and cultural activities, through small-groups and campus-wide events.





Student Organizations
Makes possible the more than 150 campus student organizations including fraternities and sororities.





Student Senate
Supports student government administrative requirements & programs.





Student Senate Non-Allocable
Supports Student Senate advising, financial services, and contracted travel for the Safe Ride Home transportation program.





Student Services & Enrollment Center--Rodli
Debt service for Rodli Hall conversion to Student Services & Enrollment Center.





Sustainability Green Fund
Supports sustainability initiatives, projects, and practices. Examples include:educational campaigns, non-academic research, energy efficiency, renewable energy efforts, building design, construction, grounds, water conservation, waste minimization, and transportation.





**Textbook Services
Finances the undergraduate student textbook rental program.


$23.04 for four or more credits


$46.08 for six or more credits

University Center
Covers day-to-day operating expenses of the campus gathering place for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests.










Please note:*Student Health Services fee and *ID Card* fee are *per person. The remaining fees are based on credit hours taken. A full load when calculating segregated fees for fall and spring is eight credits. For J-Term, it is four credits and for summer it is six credits.

**Graduate students do not use the textbook rental program and are not charged a Textbook Services fee.

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Contact Us

Dean of Students Office
235 Rodli Hall