Degree Requirements

Early Childhood Certification

Early Childhood Specialization Pathway

Completion of 15 credits

Required Courses: 15 cr. hrs.

TED 302 Infant, Toddler- Early Years Growth and Development 3cr.
TED 345 Parent Education and Family Development 3cr.
TED 401 Collaborative Leadership and Guidance in Early Childhood Settings 3cr.
TED 412 Interconnectedness and Differentiation of Early Childhood Learning 3cr.
TED 335 Kindergarten Curriculum 3cr.

Early Childhood Certification

Department of Teacher Education (TED)

257 Walker Wyman Education

Molly Gerrish, program director

Elementary Education Program

UW-River Falls offers a program in Early Childhood through Middle Childhood for students who are elementary majors with early childhood specialization, which meets certification requirements to teach Early Childhood through Middle Childhood - Regular Education. In addition to providing further enrichment in techniques for instruction in the primary grades, this specialization and certification increases the range of potential employment for an elementary education major. Those who may seek employment in existing day care centers, nursery schools, child and family education programs, or those intending to start their own private pre-school, should investigate the opportunities opened via early childhood specialization.