Distinguished Teacher

1974 - Charles Kao

Charles KaoDr. Charles Kao was named Distinguished Teacher of the Year at UW-River Falls on the occasion of the Senior-Faculty-Alumni banquet, held on May 18.

Currently chairman of the Department of Economics, Kao is described by his colleagues as an excellent teacher, a fine guy, a man of incredible wit. Well-remembered comments include his quip at Gil Smith's farewell party where Kao noted that although Kissinger had to deal with Chairman Mao, Chancellor Field had to deal with Chairman Kao.

Author of Brain Drain: a case study of Chinese scholars and scientists in the U.S., Kao studied at Taiwan Provincial College of Agriculture in Taichung, Taiwan, China; received his master's degree from South Dakota State; and earned his doctorate in agriculture economics at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan. He joined the UW-River Falls faculty in 1964.