History of Buildings and Areas

Kleinpell Carillon

Kleinpell TowerWhen President Kleinpell resigned, alumni, faculty, students and other friends began raising funds to get a “Kleinpell Carillon and Tower.” Money for the carillon was raised quickly and the bells began chiming from the roof of North Hall at Commencement in May 1968. But funds were lacking for the campanile or tower. In 1984 the Foundation resumed the project and conducted a fund drive. Roy Sakrison, a graduate of 1912 and active Foundation Board member for many years, offered to match up to half of the $68,196 cost.

The tower, which stands in front of the E.H. Kleinpell Fine Arts building, was dedicated Sunday, Oct. 14, as part of the 1984 Homecoming festivities. Sakrison and Mrs. Dorothy Kleinpell, widow of President Kleinpell, were present for the ceremony.

The campanile was designed by architect Lowell Hanson of Spring Valley.