Resolution 1 from Executive Committee:Pertaining to the Academic Planning Process (June 7, 2011) |
Resolution 1: A resolution in Support of Wisconsin Taxpayers by Saving money with WiscNet (June 7, 2011 ) |
Resolution 2:Resolution on Collective Bargaining (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 1: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Jim Zimmerman, Chair( to accept the proposed changes to the graduate program in school counseling. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 2: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Jim Zimmerman, Chair) to accept the proposed suspension of the Ethnic Studies minor. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 3: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Jim Zimmerman, Chair) to accept the proposed changes in the Digital Film and Television program. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 4: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Jim Zimmerman, Chair) to accept the proposed changes in the Professional Writing program. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 5: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committees (Jim Zimmerman, Chair) to accept the proposed changes in the Women's and Gender Studies minor (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 6: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to conduct an independent review of a Non-Tenure Decision (as per of the Handbook). Note: Committee consists of a non-voting chair, and five voting members. The first six members will comprise the committee. There are a couple of individuals who have significant restrictions on their schedule. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 7: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the addition of up to three additional members to the Mission/Vision/Values Taskforce. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 8: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve summer, and fall, ad hoc strategic planning task force appointments. These taskforces will expire no later than the end of the 2011-2012 academic year. The Mission/Vision/Values task force faculty appointments are contingent upon their acceptance of the appointments (several are pending). (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 9: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve 2011-2012 committee membership and chair appointments as outlined in the associated document accompanying this motion. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 10: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to include the following in Chapter III of the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, and to authorize the Vice Chair of Faculty Senate to renumber the section accordingly, if necessary. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 11: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to include the following in Chapter III of the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, and to authorize the Vice Chair of Faculty Senate to renumber the section accordingly, if necessary. (June 14, 2011) |
Motion 12: Motion from the International Programs Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to insert language in Chapter 3, Section 4 of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook regarding education abroad. (June 14, 2011) |
Resolution 3: Resolution from the Faculty Senate Chair (Wes Chapin) regarding retiring senators (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 13: Motion from the Executive Committee serving as Committee on Committees (Wes Chapin, Chair). Motion to form an ad hoc Committee on Veteran's Recognition. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 14: Executive Committee serving as the Committee on Committees (Wes Chapin, Chair). Motion to form an ad hoc committee to make recommendations regarding the orientation of new faculty to shared governance. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 15: Executive Committee serving as the Committee on Committees (Wes Chapin, Chair). Motion to appoint committee members and chairs. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 16: Executive Committee serving as the Committee on Committees (Wes Chapin, Chair). Motion to appoint the faculty identified in bold to the Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 17: Motion from the International Programs Committee to add a new duty to the International Programs Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair), as amended by the Executive Committee (i.e. the insertion of the last sentence) (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 18: Motion from the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee (David Rainville, Chair) to change the FWPP Committee Description. This change will take effect immediately upon final approval and it will be incorporated into the 2011-2012 UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 19: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to add new language to the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook’s Preface. This change will take effect immediately upon final approval and it will be incorporated into the 2011-2012 Handbook. ( August 23, 2011) |
Motion 20: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin Chair) to make a technical correction to Tech Council subcommittee memberships. This change will take effect immediately upon final approval and it will be incorporated into the 2011-2012 UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. (Changes are indicated in bold) (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 21: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to place the following language regarding Senate committee motion guidelines into the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, Chapter 3, section 4 (the vice chair will insert in the appropriate alphabetical place and renumber if and as necessary). (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 22: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve requirements for the formation of ad hoc committees, and to include it in Chapter 3, section 4 of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook (the vice chair will insert in the appropriate alphabetical place and renumber if and as necessary). (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 23: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to require all ad hoc committees, their membership, and the motions that formed them be made available on the Faculty Senate Website, and to include this proposal in Chapter 3, section 4 of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook (the vice chair will insert in the appropriate alphabetical place and renumber if and as necessary). (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 24: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the 2011-2012 Committee Charges. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 25: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the revised Strategic Planning Roadmap (removing listening sessions tentatively scheduled for August 2011, with other changes in bold) and update the corresponding language in Chapter 3, Section 4. This change will take effect immediately. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 26: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the Strategic Planning Communication Plan. (August 23, 2011) |
Motion 27: Motion form the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Lowell McCann (CAS) as chair of the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for the fall 2011 semester. (September 7, 2011) |
Motion 28: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the following one-year appointments to administrative committees: Experience China (ExC) Advisory Council, Wisconsin in Scotland (WIS) Advisory Council. (September 7, 2011) |
Motion 29: Motion from the UWRF Faculty Senate (Wes Chapin, Chair( to appoint Pat Berg as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian for the 2011-2012 academic year. (September 7, 2011) |
Motion 30: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Barbara Nielson (CAS) as chair of the University Curriculum Committee when she both returns to work in fall 2011 and is able to resume her duties as chair, for whatever period of time remains in the semester, replacing Lowell McCann. (September 21, 2011) |
Motion 31: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) serving as the Committee on Committees to form an ad hoc International Laboratory Working Group, which would function as a subcommittee of the International Programs Committee. (September 21, 2011) |
Motion 32: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the following Faculty Senate committee appointments, Technology Council, ILTC, Compensation Committee, University Curriculum Committee. (September 21, 2011) |
Motion 33: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee serving as the Committee on Committees (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve committee appointments: Non-Academic Misconduct Hearing Committee (October 5, 2011) |
Motion 34: Motion from the University Curriculum Committee (Lowell McCann, Chair) to approve a revision tot he official course proposal form. (October 5, 2011) |
Motion 35: Motion from the ad hoc Committee on New Faculty Orientation to Governance (Wes Chapin, Chair) to include the following language in Chapter 3, Section 4 of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. (October 5, 2011) |
Motion 36: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to add the following language to Chapter 3, Section 4 of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook. (October 5, 2011) |
Motion 37: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the 2011-2012 strategic planning dashboard and priorities for Living the Promise. (October 5, 2011) |
Motion 38: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the following committee appointments (October 19, 2011) |
Motion 39: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Mark Gillen (CEPS) as a faculty member to the Search and Screen Committee for the Advancement Officer position. (October 19, 2011) |
Resolution 4: University of Wisconsin-River Falls Faculty Senate Payment Resolution. (October 19, 2011) |
Resolution 5: Resolution from the UWRF Faculty Senate in response to the recent announcement of additional budget cuts from the State to the UW System (October 19, 2011) |
Motion 40: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the appointment of John Heppen (CAS) as a substitute for Wes Chapin during spring 2012. (October 19, 2011) |
Motion 41: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed changes in the Liberal Arts listing as proposed by the College of Arts and Sciences. The proposed changes will be made effective immediately within the catalog and applied to all current students who require the Liberal Arts component. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 42: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed minor changes to the Conservation Major, Crop and Soil Science Major and Minor, and the Sustainability Studies Minor. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 43: Motion from Academic Standards (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to place Motion 31/2010-2011 (Policy on Class Absence Due to Military Service) in chapter eight of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook as 8.2.11 and renumber the remaining items appropriately. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 44: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the Mission/Vision/Values draft for the 2012-2017 strategic plan. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 45: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to accept the revised class add-drop policy. This motion will take effect immediately. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 46: Motion from the Academic Standards (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to revise the internship policy and definitions regarding enrollment in student internships, and to authorize the Faculty Senate Vice Chair to insert this policy revision into Chapter 8, section 2, and to title/renumber as appropriate. This motion will take effect immediately. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 47: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to add the following proposed language to the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, Chapter III, Section 4, subsection 3.4 (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 48: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to accept the UWRF Student Senate motion regarding the designation of a UWRF spirit song. (November 2, 2011) |
Motion 49: Change to Article VI, Section D, Subsection 15 of the UWRF Constitution. (November 10, 2011) |
Motion 50: Motion to amend the UWRF Constitution, Article VI, Section B, Subsection 8. (November 10, 2011) |
Motion 51: Motion to amend the UWRF Constitution, Article VI, Section D, Subsection 12. (November 10, 2011) |
Motion 52: Motion to change officer definitions by amending the UWRF Constitution. This motion replaces “Vice Chair” with “Elections Chair” throughout Article VI, Section C, amends Article VI, Section D, Subsection 1 as indicated below, and amends Article VI, Section D, Subsection 14 as indicated below. This motion will take effect at the time of the next officer elections (currently scheduled for May 2, 2012). (November 10, 2011) |
Motion 53: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to amend the By-Laws, Article III, Section S by removing all references to “Vice Chair” and replacing them with “Elections Chair” (this language refers to the process for conducting Termination Committee elections). This motion will take effect if the referendum amending officer definitions is approved, and at the same time. (November 10, 2011) |
Resolution 6: Resolution to convey to UW System the following requests regarding 9/12 month benefit deductions (November 16, 2011)
Resolution 7: Resolution to convey to UW System the following requests regarding 9/12 month payment schedule (November 16, 2011)
Motion 54: Motion to approve the Faculty Senate committee appointments. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 55: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to nominate Glenn Spiczak (CAS) to the UW-System Academic Planning Revision Working Group to take effect immediately. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 56: Motion from the ad hoc Sustainability Working Group (Kelly Cain, Chair) to define a permanent replacement body (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 57: Motion from the External Relations Committee (Ozcan Kilic, Chair) to approve a revision to its committee description. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 58: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to amend something previously adopted. Specifically, motion to amend motion 2007-2008/69 as follows (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 59: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to rename Chapter eight, section six of the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, from “International Studies Programs” to “Education Abroad Programs.” This motion will take effect immediately. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 60: Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to designate the following “Academic Procedures” section in Chapter eight of the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, and to renumber the subsequent sections appropriately. This motion will take effect immediately. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 61: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to recommend a proposal from the Compensation Committee (Joe O’Kroy, Chair) to amend the salary adjustment plan in the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, Chapter Three, Article VII, Section 7.6. This motion will take effect immediately. (November 16, 2011) |
Motion 62: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the suspension of the German Education major and minor, as proposed by the Department of Modern Languages. (November 30, 2011) |
Motion 63: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve proposed program changes in the Business Administration - Finance option. (November 30, 2011) |
Motion 64: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the strategic planning draft preamble and goals. (November 30, 2011) |
Motion 65: Motion from the Faculty Senate (Wes Chapin, Chair) to adopt the “Initiatives Proposal Guidelines” as a conceptual framework for the 2012-2017 strategic planning process. (November 30, 2011) |
Motion 66: Motion from the Faculty Senate (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the faculty and academic staff members currently serving on the ad hoc Sustainability Working Group to continue to serve in this regard until permanent replacements have been appointed and approved by the Faculty Senate. (November 30, 2011) |
Motion 67: Motion from the ad hoc Sustainability Working Group (SWG; Kelly Cain, Chair – this body has recently been defined as a permanent body but this motion was completed when it was still an ad hoc committee) to approve the temporary use of the sustainability definition below for the January 10, 2012 strategic planning initiatives proposals deadline. SWG and the office of sustainability will organize a series of facilitated listening sessions early in spring semester to provide campus wide consideration of a definition for long term formal purposes. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 68: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Catherine Ross-Stroud (CAS) to the Assessment Committee (Note: A resignation occurred for a 2010-2013 term). (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 69: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint the following chairs to Faculty Senate committees with reassignment time for 2012-2013 (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 70: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin) serving as the Committee on Committees to appoint the following faculty to the Sustainability Working Group. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 71: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Magdalena Pala (CAS) to serve as chair of the Advising Committee for spring 2012. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 72: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed MS-Clinical Exercise Physiology Program. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 73: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Pat Berg (CAS) to replace Wes Chapin on the Executive Committee for spring 2012. (Note: Marshall Toman, acting senate chair, will serve as chair of the Executive Committee throughout spring 2012). (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 74: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve the formation of a Strategic Plan Progress Committee. This body will replace the 2012-2017 Assessment Task Force. It will also replace the Strategic Planning Coordinating Group and the University Planning Group when their work concludes later during the 2011-2012 academic year. The vice chair will make the appropriate modifications of the roadmap in the Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook, 3.4. This motion will take effect immediately.(December 14, 2011) |
Motion 75: Motion from the UWRF Faculty Senate that UWRF continue to utilize the existing university-run textbook rental system and to support fully the Textbook Services Office, including hiring a full-time Manager as soon as possible. The existing university-operated textbook rental system will continue to be used for at least five years, and a review of this practice will occur in year five of that five-year period. Also, the administration and Faculty Senate can jointly agree to a review prior to that time. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 76: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve a proposed Asian Studies Minor. (December 14, 2011) |
Motion 77: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to appoint Gay Ward (CEPS) as a one-semester replacement for Margaret Phinney (CEPS) on the ad hoc administrative Experience China committee. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 78: Motion from the International Programs (IP) Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to modify the membership of the IP Committee. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 79: Motion from the Faculty Senate (Wes Chapin, Chair) to create an ad hoc Committee on Graduate Studies. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 80: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin) serving as the Committee on Committees to approve Kurt Leichtle and David Rainville as UWRF faculty nominees to serve on UW System ad hoc committees during spring 2012. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 81: Motion from the Calendar Committee (Karl Peterson, Chair) to approve a summer session schedule for 2012. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 82: Motion from the Executive Committee (Wes Chapin, Chair) to approve provisionally the following seven initiatives for the strategic plan. (January 17, 2012) |
Motion 83: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to appoint Gay Ward (CEPS) to serve out Margaret Phinney’s (CEPS) term on the International Programs Committee. (February 1, 2012) |
Motion 84: Motion from the Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to appoint James Graham as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian. (February 1, 2102) |
Motion 85: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to appoint the following persons to the ad hoc Graduate Studies Committee and to name Mike Harris (CEPS) as its chair (three at-large faculty members, three faculty members with graduate faculty status with experience on the Graduate Council, and a faculty chair). (February 1, 2012) |
Motion 86: Motion from the Advising Committee (Kiril Petkov, Magdalena Pala, Chairs) and Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee (David Rainville, Chair) to amend the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook as indicated below. (February 1, 2012) |
Motion 87: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to constitute a University Differential Tuition Oversight Committee. (February 15, 2012) |
Motion 88: Motion from the Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to charge the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policy Committee (David Rainville, Chair) to investigate existing models for extending the right to vote for department chair to instruction academic staff. (February 15, 2012) |
Resolution 8: Resolution to honor the contributions of Chancellor George Field (February 29, 2012) |
Motion 89: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to appoint Kelly Cain to chair the Sustainability Working Group through July 1, 2013. (February 29, 2012) |
Motion 90: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to approve the strategic planning draft initiatives. (Note: The Mission, Vision, Values, Preamble to the Goals, and the Goals have already been approved by Faculty Senate and the Chancellor.) (February 29, 2012) |
Motion 91: Motion from the Faculty Senate Vice Chair (as person in charge of elections) to conduct the spring 2012 Faculty Senate elections electronically. (February 29, 2012) |
Motion 92: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to appoint Marina Onken (CBE) to the University Differential Tuition Oversight Committee as the faculty representative for a three-year term, effective immediately, and to run through June 30, 2015. (March 21, 2012) |
Motion 93: Motion from the Recruitment, Admissions and Retention committee (Jennifer Willis-Rivera, Chair): The director of the New Student and Family Programs shall hold an ex-officio, non-voting, position on the Recruitment, Admissions and Retention committee to give the committee regular updates regarding New Student and Family Programs. (march 21, 2012) |
Motion 94: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to charge Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) with investigating the advisability of modifying the per-credit maximum load of UWRF freshmen to 18 credits. (March 21, 2012) |
Motion 95: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to approve the strategic planning draft metrics. (March 21, 2012) |
Resolution 9: Resolution regarding the recognition of veterans at Commencement (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 96: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to make MATH 316, Mathematical Modeling, the third of three courses that fulfill a 3-credit requirement in the major. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 97: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to suspend the Earth Science Teacher Certification Secondary Education Option within the Geology Major. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 98: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to add CHEM 356, Chemical Instrumentation Lab, as an alternative to CHEM 495, Undergraduate Research, in the Liberal Arts Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Option. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 99: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to revise the Marketing Option within the Business Administration Major as indicated in the supporting materials. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 100: Motion from the Calendar Committee (Karl Peterson, Chair) to approve the recommended UWRF academic calendar for 2014-2015 (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 101: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to extend by three weeks the sunset provision for the ad hoc committee on Graduate Studies to April 30, 2012. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 102: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to revise regarding the submission of final grades for J-term/winter sessions and summer. See the accompanying document for the details of this revision. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 103: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to revise 8.2.25 regarding academic honors regalia for Commencement. (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 104: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to charge the Academic Program and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to do the following (April 4, 2012) |
Motion 105: Motion from the Faculty Senate that Senate be given access to the information compiled in the FY 2012 UWRF Faculty Salary Adjustment Plan. (April 4, 2012) |
Resolution 10: Resolution from the Sustainability Working Group (Kelly Cain, Chair) to approve a Sustainability Proclamation that the University of Wisconsin-River Falls declares itself part of an Aspiring Sustainable Community by endorsing the values, principles, and practices of sustainability…and agrees to seek opportunities for collaboration, communication, and partnership with the City of River Falls, the School District of River Falls, and possibly other neighboring entities, in joint sustainability efforts. (April 18, 2012) |
Resolution 11: Resolution from the Technology Council (Robert Coffman, Chair) for the UWRF Faculty Senate to resolve that the campus adopt the defined plan to provide a single-computer platform in all new and existing technology-enhanced classrooms by fall 2014. (April 18, 2012) |
Motion 106: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to approve the final draft of the next UWRF strategic plan, Pathway to Distinction. (April 18, 2012) |
Motion 107:Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to authorize the new graduate alumni survey for the Program Audit and Review process, effective for the 2012-2013 cycle. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 108: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to accept the recent alumni survey data compiled for their national accreditations by the School Psychology and Communicative Disorders programs as a proxy for the graduate alumni survey used within Program Audit and Review during the 2012-2013 cycle. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 109: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to accept the following definition for “academic programs” at UWRF: (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 110: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed program changes within Broad Area Business Administration-Finance option, Broad Area Business Administration-Management option, and Broad Area Business Administration-Marketing option. (May 2, 2012) Finance Transmittal Form Management Transmittal Form Marketing Transmittal Form |
Motion 111: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed program change within the Broad Area Accounting major. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 112: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed program changes to Film Studies minor. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 113: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair) to approve the proposed program changes in the Broad Field Social Sciences major. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 114: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to have transcripts list the degree as the first level, the major(s) listed on the next line including any options and/or emphasis and the minor(s) would be listed below the major. The degree date and the degree GPA (GPA at the time the degree is awarded) would also be recorded on the transcript. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 115: Motion from the Sustainability Working Group (Kelly Cain, Chair) to adopt the following definitions for UWRF 'Sustainability' and 'Sustainability Research' (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 116: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to approve the following charge to the International Programs Committee: In relation to the Year-Of…initiative of the current strategic plan Pathway to Distinction, to identify countries, plan for events (to the appropriate pre-annual depth), and coordinate the current year’s events for three countries on a rolling horizon, with the first Year-of-… beginning in the 2013-2014 academic year. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 117: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) to approve the following charge to the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policy Committee: In relation to the Leadership Institute initiative of the current strategic plan Pathway to Distinction, to develop and institute an ongoing leadership program to train and inform all UWRF personnel who are responsible for managing academic departments, units, and colleges of their responsibilities, duties, the responsibilities of those whom they supervise, and the personnel policies of UWRF and UWS. Particular emphasis is to be paid to departmental chair development for 2012-2013. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 118: Motion from the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee (Jennifer Borup, Chair), Disability Committee (Florence Monsour, Chair), and the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee (Cyndi Kernahan, Chair) to place the following statements on a University Syllabus Page (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 119: Motion from the Academic Standards Committee (Terry Ferriss, Chair) to add to the UWRF Faculty and Academic Staff Handbook regarding a drop and add policy for the summer and J-term sessions. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 120: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Acting Chair) to approve the Executive Committee’s action on April 25th of allowing the use of the current instructor evaluation form in place at UWRF by departments for spring 2012 online courses until an appropriate alternative is developed. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 121: Motion from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee (Marshall Toman, Chair) and based upon the recommendation of the Academic Programs and Policies Committee (Steve Kelm, Chair), to constitute an ad hoc committee called the PP-PAR Committee. This committee is charged with working through the details of PP-PAR using as the framework the combined Program Prioritization and Program Audit and Review (PP-PAR) tool (attached in two parts) as identified in the immediately preceding motion and reporting to Senate by December 1, 2012. The PP-PAR Committee shall sunset on February 15, 2013. (May 2, 2012) |
Motion 122: Motion from Academic Standards (Terry Ferriss, Chair) that in order to provide consistency across the campus, the only variables to be printed on the diploma shall be the student's name, the approved UW-System degree title, and Latin honors for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. The names of majors will not be printed on the diploma. (May 2, 2012) |