
Motions 2006-2007

Motion 1: A motion from the Executive Committee to approve Ian Williams as the Chair of General Education committee for 2006-2007 academic year (May 2006).

Motion 2: A motion to appoint Karl Peterson as Faculty Senate Parliamentarian for 2006-2007 Faculty Senate (August 2006). 

Motion 3: A motion from the Faculty Senate to affirm Vision, Mission and Values statement (August 2006). 

Motion 4: A motion from the Faculty Senate to approve the 2006-2007 Faculty Senate Committee memberships (August 2006). 

Motion 5: A motion from the Faculty Senate to affirm Committee Charges to the 2006-2007 Faculty Senate (August 2006). 

Motion 6: A motion from the Faculty Senate to affirm Governance Resolution (August 2006).

Motion 7: A motion to refer the Assessment Plan Elements document and the rubric for Evaluating Assessment Plans to the Assessment Committee for further consideration (September 2006).

Motion 8: A motion to approve the 2007-2008 Academic Calendar (September 2006).

Motion 9: A motion to authorize the establishment of an ad hoc committee, The Handbook Review Committee (September 2006).

Motion 10: A motion to accept the resignation of Brian Schultz from the Faculty Senate Assessment Committee and appoint Joy Benson (September 2006).

Motion 11: A motion to accept the resignation of Charlie Corcoran form the General Education Committee and appoint Brian Schultz (September 2006).

Motion 12: A motion to affirm the UWRF Strategic Planning Goals (September 2006) .

Motion 13: A motion to confirm the ad hoc Strategic Planning Committees (September 2006).

Motion 14: A motion from Executive Committee to designate that the official catalog medium for the 2007-09 period be online pdf or comparable formats (October 2006).

Motion 15: A motion from the Executive Committee to replace Peter Rayne as Chair of the Multi-Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee with Kristine Butler (October 2006).

Motion 16: A motion from the Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve a new emphasis in Sustainable Agriculture in the Crop and Soils Science major (October 2006).

Motion 17: A motion from Senator Bob Baker, the Senate Chair and the Executive Committee to meet with Chancellor Betz to modify the compositions of the Campus Planning Working Group and the Sustainable Working Group (October 2006).

Motion 18: A motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Vicki Hajewski as Back-up Chair of the Multi-Cultural Advisory Strategic Planning Working Group (October 2006).

Motion 19: A motion from the Executive Committee to set up three-year terms of appointment for the UWRF Faculty Representatives to the West Central Wisconsin Consortium Commission (October 2006).

Motion 20: A motion from the Executive Committee to make appointments to the Campus Planning Strategic Planning Working Group and the Sustainable Strategic Planning Working Group (October 2006).

Motion 21: A motion from the Assessment Committee to approve the Assessment Plan Elements document and the rubric for Evaluating Assessment Plans (November 2006).

Motion 22: A motion from the Executive Committee to accept the resignation of Kim Mogen from the Institutional Animal Care and use Committee and approve Scott Ballantyne as her replacement (November 2006).

Motion 23: A motion from the Academic Policy and Program Committee to approve the Interdisciplinary Minor in the College of Education and Professional Studies (November 2006).

Motion 24: A motion from the Faculty Salary Committee to approve guidelines for the Exemplary Performance Awards (November 2006).

Motion 25: A motion from the Academic Standards Committee to replace section 8.2.20 of Chapter VIII Academic Standards, Procedures and Policies of the UWRF Faculty/Academic Staff Handbook with language attached to motion (November 2006).

Motion 26: A motion to request that the General Education Committee Chair and Provost jointly approve on a temporary basis additional existing courses for the multi-disciplinary category (November 2006).

Motion 27: A motion from General Education and Academic Program and Policy Committees to amend Section A.4 and Section K.2.g of Article III Standing Committee of 3.3 Faculty By-Laws in Chapter III Organization of the Faculty and Staff of the UWRF Faculty/Academic Staff Handbook (November 2006).

Motion 28: A motion from the Executive Committee recommends that if the Board of Regents adopts a comprehensive policy requiring that all UW institutions conduct criminal background checks on new hires, that each institution will submit a plan for review and approval (November 2006).

Motion 29: A motion from the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to incorporate the Committee's recommended revisions into the final draft of the campus Criminal Background Check policy (November 2006).

Motion 30: A motion from Executive Committee to recommend approval of the initiatives and tasks developed by the senate's ad hoc Strategic Planning Working Group (November 2006).

Motion 31: A motion from the University Curriculum Committee to recommend changes to the Faculty Senate By-Laws and to renumber/re-letter subsequent committee descriptions appropriately (December 2006).

Motion 32: A motion from the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee regarding Eligibility Criteria for Administering Course Evaluations (December 2006).

Motion 33: A motion from the International Programs Committee to amend Chapter III of the Handbook, replacing the current language for the International Studies Program Committee with language attached in motion (December 2006).

Motion 34: A motion from the Executive Committee to place the Disability Advisory Committee under Chapter III of the Faculty Handbook (December 2006).

Motion 35: A motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Michele McKnelly Chair of the Disability Advisory Committee (December 2006).

Motion 36: A motion was made by the Calendar and Academic Program & Policy Committees that UWRF adopt a class schedule with 50 minute MWF class periods and 75 minute TR class periods (December 2006).

Motion 37: A motion to replace the current Exemplary Service Awards guidelines with new attached guidelines (January 2007).

Motion 38: A motion from the University Curriculum Committee to approve new course proposal and course transmittal documents (February 2007).

Motion 39: A motion from the Assessment Committee to approve Academic Program Assessment Timeline (January 2007).

Motion 40: A motion from the Executive Committee to create a new Diversity Committee by dissolving five current committees into one committee (not signed).

Motion 41: A motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following appointments. (January 2007).

Motion 42: A motion from the Executive Committee to approve the revised committee description of the Calendar Committee and move and renumber/re-letter committees in Chapter III (January 2007).

Motion 43: A motion from the Executive Committee to approve the update in the description of  Action Advisory Committees and moving to Chapter III and renumbering and re-lettering (January 2007).

Motion 44: A motion from the Executive Committee to confirm the following appointment terms (January 2007).

Motion 45: A motion from the Executive Committee creating a combined Learning Resources Committee and disband the following committees (not signed).

Motion 46: A motion from the Executive Committee to amend Chapter III of the Handbook replacing current language for the Athletic Committee with language in motion (January 2007).

Motion 47: A motion to replace the term Director of Graduate Studies and Graduate Studies with the term Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the Transmittal of Graduate Course Proposal (February 2007).

Motion 48: A motion to create an ad hoc committee to examine the issue of Faculty Senate representation (February 2007) .

Motion 49: A motion from the Salary Committee to recommend that 2007-09 pay plan be submitted with 2/3 of any increase going to solid performance and 1/3 for merit/market (March 2007).

Motion 50: A motion from Faculty Senate to recommend that the Chancellor abstain from taking the 10% discretionary fund (March 2007).

Motion 51: A motion from Faculty Senate to appoint McKenna Schumacher to the Assessment Committee (February 2007).

Motion 52: A motion from Welfare and Personnel Policies to adopt the attached Criminal Background Check/Investigation Policy (not signed).

Motion 53: A motion from Executive Committee to seat David Furniss for Patricia Berg and Kristie Feist for Cara Rubis as substitutes for the remainder of the Spring Semester (March 2007).

Motion 54: A motion to amend Handbook section1.3.5 of Chapter 1 removing existing language and replacing it with the language in the motion (March 2007).

Motion 55: A motion to approve the revised strategic planning initiatives and tasks (March 2007).

Motion 56: A motion to approve the revised strategic planning priorities (signed but not dated).

Motion 57: A motion form Academic Policy and Program Committee to approve a Psychology Department change in major requirements (March 2007).

Motion 58: A motion from Diversity Committee to recommend an additional item to the list of duties for the committee (March 2007).

Motion 59: A motion from Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to recommend that Senate approve the following language for inclusion in the Faculty Handbook regarding the recently passed Criminal Background Check Plan (March 2007).

Motion 60: A motion from Academic Policy and Program Committee to support the usage of additional resources to enhance education on the UWRF campus (March 2007).

Motion 61: A motion from Academic Policy and Program Committee to support the development of a relationship between Army ROTC and UWRF (March 2007).

Motion 62: A motion from Handbook Review Committee to amend Chapter 1 accreditation listing (March 2007).

Motion 63: A motion form Handbook Review Committee to add a new introduction to the handbook (March 2007).

Motion 64: A motion form Executive Committee to establish an ad hoc committee on Workplace violence (March 2007).

Motion 65: A motion from Handbook Review Committee to add a new introduction to the handbook (March 2007).

Motion 66: A motion form the Academic Standards Committee to replace existing language in the Faculty Handbook Section 8.2.74 of Chapter 8 with new language (March 2007).

Motion 67: A motion from ILTC to approve the revised technology committees structures (March 2007).

Motion 68: A motion from Executive Committee to clarify the appointment process (March 2007).

Motion 69: A motion from Executive Committee to change the "Responsibilities" of the Faculty and Academic Staff Development Board (March 2007).

Motion 70: A motion from Calendar Committee to approve the 2009-10 academic calendar (March 2007).

Motion 71: A motion from General Education Committee to approve revisions to Goal One (March 2007).

Motion 72: A motion from the General Education Committee if modification to Goal One is approved by Faculty Senate to allow departments to continue using the Current Goals, Criteria and Outcomes until re-approval or implement the revised Goals, Criteria and Outcomes (March 2007).

Motion 73: A motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Karen Klyczek as Chair of the General Education Committee for the 2007-2008 academic year (March 2007).

Motion 74: A motion from the APP to approve a Department title change (signed but not dated).

Motion 75: A motion from the APP to approve program requirement changes to Theatre Major and Minor, Speech Communications major and Mass Communications Emphasis and Minor (March 2007).

Motion 76: A motion from the APP to approve a Substantial Major/Minor content change in Business Administration MIS Option (March 2007).

Motion 77: A motion from the Executive Committee to amend something previously passed (March 2007).

Motion 78: A motion from the FWPP to recommend that the Senate forward the nomination of Dr. Gary Rohde to be appointed to the State Group Insurance Board (April 2007).

Motion 79: A motion from the Faculty Salary Committee that the 2007-09 pay plan be submitted with 2/3 of an increase going to solid performance and 1/3 for merit/ market (April 2007).

Motion 80: A motion from the Faculty Salary Committee that the Chancellor follows the example of the majority of other UW-System Chancellors and abstain from taking the 10% discretionary fund (April 2007).

Motion 81: A motion from the Assessment Committee to change its duties (April 2007).

Motion 82: A motion from the FWPP to amend the Faculty Handbook (not signed).

Motion 83: A motion from the Faculty Senate that the Administration delay meeting of the University Planning Group (April 2007).

Motion 84:  A motion for the Executive Committee to change the description of the Calendar Committee (May 2007).

Motion 85: A motion from the FWPP to transfer committee duties and to rename the Faculty Salary Committee (May 2007).

Motion 86: A motion from the APP to approve changes to Marketing Communication Program Requirements (May 2007).

Motion 87: A motion from the APP to approve Option B Minor name change to  Interdisciplinary Minor (May 2007).

Motion 88: A motion from the APP to approve program changes in the Department of Geography and Mapping Sciences (May 2007).

Motion 89: A motion from the APP to approve a credits change to the BS Secondary Education program in the Department of Communicative Disorders (signed but not dated).

Motion 90: A motion from the APP to approve a program change in the Department of Political Science (May 2007).

Motion 91: Motion stating that excluding the Chair of the University Planning Group, 50% of the membership of the University Planning Group will be appointed by the Faculty Senate (May 2007).

Motion 92: A motion from Faculty Senate to appoint members to the University Planning Group (May 2007).

Motion 93: A motion to appoint members to the Student Senate's Differential Tuition Advisory Committee (signed but not dated).

Motion 94: A motion from the FWPP contingent upon the Provost's willingness to decouple and implement the compensation component of his original draft (May 2007).

Motion 95: A motion from the General Education Committee to replace Mission Statement and replace the Faculty Handbook section 1.4.3 General Education Mission Statement (May 2007).

Motion 96: A motion from the General Education Committee to change Goal Three of General Education (May 2007).

Motion 97: A motion from the General Education Committee to change Goal Four of General Education (May 2007).

Motion 98: A motion from the Ad hoc Committee on a Campus/Workplace Violence Policy (motion not found summary attached, not signed).

Motion 99: A motion to approve the proposed compensation package for department chairs (May 2007).

Motion 100: A motion from the Faculty Salary Committee to raise salaries for the summer 2007 teaching schedule by 10% (May 2007).

Motion 101: A motion from the Faculty Senate that the Provost will determine whether or not reducing or increasing administrative appointments will be sued to achieve 30% faculty representation on the UPG (May 2007).

Motion 102: A motion from the Faculty Salary Committee to authorize the Executive Committee to appoint 2 additional people to the UPG contingent (May 2007).

Motion 103: A motion for program change in Health and Human Performance, name change (May 2007).

Motion 104: A motion for program change in Film Studies minor content (May 2007).

Motion 105: A motion for program change in MS Communicative Disorders, MSE Communicative Disorders (May 2007).

Motion 106: A motion for program change in Modern Language Education Track (May 2007).

Motion 107: A motion for program change in English Professional Writing )May 2007).

Motion 108: A motion from the Disabilities Advisor Committee (May 2007).

Motion 109: A motion from the APP for proposed revisions on Procedure for Administrative Decision Making Process Concerning any Future Policies that might impact Academic and/or Co-curricular Activities (July 2007).

Motion 110: A motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee to revise the mission of the UWRF International Programs Committee (May 2007).

Motion 111: A motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Brad Mogen and Tracey Gladstone-Sovell to the University Planning Group (May 2007).

Motion 112:  A motion from the Executive Committee defining faculty appointments to the University Planning Group for two year terms (May 2007).

Motion 113: No motion found. All faculty members to university permanent and ad-hoc committees by appointed by the Faculty Senate.

Motion 114: A motion from the Executive Committee that the Administration authorize and fund seven one-quarter time reassignments that will be distributed to the Faculty Senate Committee (May 2007).

Motion 115: A motion from the Executive Committee to nominate Cyndi Kernahan to UW-System Institute on Race and Ethnicity (May 2007).

Motion 116: A motion from the General Education Committee to change Goal 2 (May 2007).

Motion 117: A motion from Academic Standards that recommends to Faculty Senate the inclusion of the following in 8.2.17 Interim Grades of the faculty handbook (May 2007).

Motion 118: A motion from Academic Standards Committee moving the revision of 8.2.23 Academic Merit in the faculty handbook (May 2007).

Motion 119: A motion from Academic Standards Committee recommends to replace the existing language in 8.2.23 (May 2007).

Motion 120: A motion to approve the nomination of Kurt Leichtle, Brad Mogen, Ogden Rogers to the President's 2007 Commission on University Security (May 2007).

Motion 121: No motion found.

Motion 122: A motion to rewrite Chapter III Organization of the Faculty and Staff Constitution of the UW-River Falls Faculty Article VI The Faculty Senate Section C Election Procedures (May 2007).