Motion 1: Motion from APPC for program change Health and Human Performance. (June 13, 2007) Motion 2: Motion from APPC for program change Plant and Earth Science. (June 13, 2007) Motion 3: Motion for an appointment. (June 13, 2007) Motion 4: Motion to approve ad hoc Committee to address tenure. (June 13, 2007) Motion 5: Motion to approve Senate Committee appointments. (June 13, 2007) Motion 6: Motion to appoint new Faculty Senate ad hoc committee members. (June 13, 2007) Motion 7: Motion to appoint committee members. (June 13, 2007) Motion 8: Motion to alter the charge of Disabilities Advisory Committee.(September 9, 2007) Motion 9: Motion from Executive Committee to make the following changes to Faculty Senate Committees. (September 9, 2007) Motion 10: Motion demanding affordable health care options. (October 25, 2007) Motion 11: Motion concerning health care crisis. (October 29, 2007) Motion 12: Motion for Academic Policies and Programs Committee member. (December 7, 2007) Motion 13: Motion from General Education committee for change in Faculty Staff Handbook Chapter 3. (December 7, 2007) Motion 14: Motion for Proposed Resolution on Equity and Affirmative Action (not signed or dated). Motion 15: Motion to appoint persons to subcommittee (not signed or dated). Motion 16: Motion to appoint faculty members to Budget Request for Funding Review Committee (not signed or dated). Motion 17: Motion for Strategic Planning Priorities for 2007-2008 (not signed or dated). Motion 18: Motion on guidelines on awarding honorary degrees. (December 19, 2007) Motion 19: Motion on conversion of Incompletes Prior to 2002-2003 (not signed or dated). Motion 20: Motion to transfer responsibility for approval and assessment of American Cultural Diversity and Global Perspectives courses. (January 29, 2008) Motion 21: Motion from ASC to revise the Suspension and Probation Policy. (January 29, 2008) Motion 22: Motion from FCC to distribute the 2% salary increase from 2007-2008 pay plan. (February 8, 2008) Motion 23: Motion from the Executive Committee that all UWRF faculty members of the University of Wisconsin System committees must be appointed by the Faculty Senate. (February 8, 2008) Motion 24: Motion from FWPPC regarding 40 hour work week and sick leave. (February 8, 2008) Motion 25: Motion from APPC to approve a program change to The Health Performance major, Option B. (February 25, 2008) Motion 26: Motion from APPC to approve a program change to the Agribusiness Management major and minor. (February 25, 2008) Motion 27: Motion from APPC to adopt a Masters of Arts in TESOL. (February 25, 2008) Motion 28: Motion from GEURC to revise the Behavioral Sciences and Humanities and Fine Arts criteria and outcomes. (February 25, 2008) Motion 29: Motion from ASC to strike out a section of Chapter 8 section 87.4 in Faculty Staff Handbook. (March 3, 2008) Motion 30: Motion from University Planning Group to revise the task charters and operations paradigm. (February 25, 2008) Motion 31: Motion from APPC to approve changes to MS in Communicative Disorders and MSE in Communicative Disorders. (March 7, 2008) Motion 32: Motion from Executive Committee to replace Sandy Oftedahl on the Information Systems Committee. (March 3, 2008) Motion 33: Motion from Executive Committee to replace Cynthia Kernahan on Diversity Committee. (February 28, 2008) Motion 34: Motion from Executive Committee to appoint Michael Kahlow and Glenn Spiczak on an administrative task force. (February 28, 2008) Motion 35: Motion from Executive Committee to replace Mary Halada as chair of the Sustainability Task Force. (February 28, 2008) Motion 36: Motion from APPC to approve an Early Child Comprehensive Major. (April 3, 2008) Motion 37: Motion of support for the Wisconsin State Senate Bill 353. (April 3, 2008) Motion 38: Motion from ASC to approve policy defining full-time status for students for students participating in internships. (April 3, 2008) Motion 39: Motion to appoint Mary Wright on the Sustainability Task Force. (April 3, 2008) Motion 40: Motion from Executive Committee to adopt the 2008 edited version of Chapter Two of the Faculty Handbook. (April 3, 2008) Motion 41: Motion from FCC for UWRF Faculty Adjustment and Salary Preservation. (April 21, 2008) Motion 42: Motion from Calendar Committee for UWRF 2010-2011 school year. (April 3, 2008) Motion 43: Motion from Executive Committee to adopt the 2008 edited version of Chapter One of the Faculty Staff Handbook. (April 18, 2008) Motion 44: Motion from Executive Committee to adopt the 2008 edited version of Chapter Four of the Faculty Staff Handbook. (April 18, 2008) Motion 45: Motion from UCC to adopt a new course transmittal form for an Undergraduate Curriculum Course Proposal. (April 18, 2008) Motion 46: Motion from UCC to adopt a New Course Proposal Form. (April 18, 2008) Motion 47: Motion from APPC to adopt a minor revision in the Psychology major. (April 18, 2008) Motion 48: Motion from APPC to adopt a minor change in the Women's Studies major. (April 18, 2008) Motion 49: Motion from APPC to adopt a substantial revision in the School Psychology training program. (April 18, 2008) Motion 50: Motion from APPC to adopt a substantial revision in the Master in Business Administration degree. (April 18, 2008) Motion 51: Motion from APPC a Department of Military Science and Leadership will be created within the Collage of Business and Economics. (April 18, 2008) Motion 52: Motion from the GEURC and Executive Committee to appoint Rich Wallace as chair of the GEURC. (April 18, 2008) Motion 53: Motion from the Executive Committee to form an ad hoc Faculty Senate Committee to examine instructional staff issues. (April 18, 2008) Motion 54: Motion from Faculty Welfare to change Faculty Staff handbook Chapter 4. (April 18, 2008) Motion 55: Motion from Learning resource Committee to adopt the resolution supporting Advantage Wisconsin Library Component. (April 18, 2008) Motion 56: Motion from APPC to approve a program change in Broad Area Business Administration-Finance Option. (May 2, 2008) Motion 57: Motion from APPC to approve a program change in Biotechnology (May 2, 2008) Motion 58: Motion from APPC to approve a program change in Chemistry. (May 2, 2008) Motion 59: Motion from Executive Committee to approve revised edition of Chapter 5 of the Faculty Staff Handbook. (May 2, 2008) Motion 60: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the 2008 revised edition of Chapter 7 of the Faculty Staff Handbook. (May 2, 2008) Motion 61: Motion from Executive Committee to approve the 2008 revised Chapter 8 of the Faculty Staff Handbook. ( May 2, 2008) Motion 62: Motion form Executive Committee to adopt the Shared Governance Guidelines and Process. (May 29, 2008) Motion 63: Motion from APPC to adopt a program change (minor change) in Ethnic Studies. (May 29, 2008) Motion 64: Motion from Executive Committee to appoint members to ad hoc Faculty Senate Committee on Instructional Academic Staff. (May 29, 2008) Motion 65: Motion from APPC to approve the creation of a minor in Military Science. (May 30, 2008) Motion 66: Motion form APPC approving the division of Business Administration Department. (May 29, 2008) Motion 67: Motion from FCC for UWRF Faculty Salary Adjustment and Salary Preservation (May 29, 2008) Motion 68: Motion from Faculty Welfare on Faculty Load and Lecture Lab equivalency. (May 29, 2008) Motion:69: Motion from the Assessment Committee to approve the GEUR Assessment Plan and Review Process. (June 17, 2008) Motion 70: Motion from Academic Standards concerning grade requirements for all Health and Human Performance Major in Option II. (May 29, 2008) Motion 71: Motion from Executive Committee regarding release time of Academic Policies and Program Committee for fall and spring semesters in 08/09 academic year. (May 29, 2008) Motion 72: Motion from Executive Committee regarding release time of University Curriculum Committee for fall and spring semesters in 08/09 academic year. (May 29, 2008) Motion 73: Motion from Executive Committee regarding Faculty Senate release each semester 08/09 academic year. (May 30, 2008) Motion 74: Motion from Executive Committee regarding Search and Screen Committee for new chancellor. (May 30, 2008) Motion 75: Motion from Executive Committee Brad Mogen will be chair for Information and Instructional Technology Council for 2008/09. (May 29, 2008) Motion 76: Motion from Executive Committee to submit a list of 20 faculty names to President Reilly of the UWS for the Chancellor Search and Screen Committee. (May 29, 2008) Motion 77: Motion from Academic Staff Council to submit a list of four names to faculty to President Reilly of UWS for the Chancellor Search and Screen Committee. (May 29, 2008)