
Motions 2016-2017

Motion 1:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve program changes to TESOL Liberal Arts program. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 2:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve program changes to Montessori EC Teacher Education program. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 3:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve program changes to General Science for Elementary Education program. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 4:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve program changes to Modern Language-Spanish Education minor program. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 5:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve program changes to Modern Language-Spanish program (June 22, 2016)

Motion 6:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve program changes to Marketing Communications program. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 7:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policies Committee to approve a new program Bachelor of Science in Geographical Information Science. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 8:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty to the Strategic Choices Task Force. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 9:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty to the Human Resources Director Search Committee. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 10:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Ian Williams as Chair of the Academic Program and Policies Committee. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 11:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Paul Shirilla as Chair of the International Programs Committee for the fall of 2016. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 12:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Paige Miller as Chair of the International Programs Committee for the spring of 2017. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 13:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty as chairs of the respective committees. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 14:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty to the respective committees. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 15:  Motion from the Executive Committee to move Matt Dooley from his current CAS seat to an At Large seat on the Technology Council. (June 22, 2016)

Motion 16:  Motion from the Technology Council to adopt a name change of the committee and to amend to committee structure and duties. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 17:  Motion from the Faculty Compensation Committee to approve the ranking process outlined in the motion. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 18:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint Danielle Smarsh to the HR Director Search As Hoc Committee. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 19:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint James Graham to the Strategic Choices Task Force as representative from the Termination Committee. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 20:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint the following to the TLT Search and Screen Committee. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 21:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint the following terms for committee appointments to the FASDB. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 22:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint Joe O'Kroy as Chair of the Faculty Compensation Committee for 2016-2017, (September 2, 2016)

Motion 23:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint David Bonko as Chair of the Recruitment, Admissions, and Retention Committee for 2016-2017. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 24:  Motion to approve the following to Faculty Senate committees. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 25:  Motion from Executive Committee to confirm Faculty Senate Chair Moline's appoint to the following committees. (September 2, 2016)

Motion 26: Motion to appoint David Zlesak as Chair of the Faculty Hearing, Grievance, and Appeals Committee. ( September 22, 2016)

Motion 27:  Motion to appoint Jorge (Fred) Bonilla as Chair of the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee. (September 22. 2016)

Motion 28:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty to the respective committees. (September 22, 2016)

Motion 29:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the 2016-2017 Committee Charges. (September 22, 2016)

Motion 30:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Claire McCarty as Chair of the External Relations Committee 2016-2017. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 31:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint the following faculty to the respective committees. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 32:  Motion from the Faculty Compensation Committee to amend Senate motion 2011-2012/61 section 8. (October 26, 2016) -- [Faculty Adjustment Plan]

Motion 33:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following charge to the Academic Standards Committee. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 34:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following appointments to the administrative ad hoc HLC Criteria Team. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 35:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following appointments to the Search Committee for the Facilities Director. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 36:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following appointments to the Search and Screen Committee for the Controller. (October 26, 2016)

Motion 37:  Motion from APPC to approve Coaching Minor Program change proposal. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 38:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Catherine Ross-Stroud as Chair of the Affirmative Action Committee. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 39:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following committee charge: AP&P, UCC, and GSCC collaboratively to discuss the development of a policy clarifying the process for making courses inactive, with an emphasis on collegial notification. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 40:  Motion from the Calendar Committee to approve the proposed 2018-19 Academic Calendar. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 41:  Motion from UCC for UWRF to adopt the following approval process for cross-listed courses. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 42:  Motion from AP&P, UCC, and GSCC to approve including the following policy in the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter IX (just after 9.2.6-Auding Classes), and the renumbering of Chapter 9, Section 2 to occur as appropriate. (November 8, 2016) -- [regarding terminology of teaching modes]

Motion 43:  Motion from UCC to adopt the newly revised Combined Transmittal Course Proposal Form. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 44:  Motion from Undergraduate Teaching Qualifications of Faculty and Academic Staff Ad Hoc Committee to add the following text to Chapter as follows. (November 8, 2016) --[regarding minimum qualified faculty]

Motion 45:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Keith Chavey as Chair of the Disability Advisory Committee. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 46:  Motion from Executive Committee to appoint John Heppen to the Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 47:  Motion from IPC to add a designee option to the Chair of the International Studies program position, Chapter 3.3.III.P.1 (November 8, 2016)

Motion 48:  Motion from IPC to remove the Director of New Student and Family Programs position from the committee and change "Director of Global Connections" to "Executive Director of the Office of International Education" Chapter 3.3.III.P.1 (November 8, 2016)

Motion 49:  Motion from APPC to approve program change proposal for the minor in Sustainable Agriculture. (November 30, 2016)

Motion 50:  Motion from the APPC to redefine the AP&P committee composition as follows to be effective Fall 2017-18 (Chapter 3.3.III.A.1. (November 8, 2016)

Motion 51: Motion from FWPPC and TC to approve revisions in Faculty Handbook to Chapter IV 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3. (November 17, 2016) --[Post Tenure Review]

Motion 52:  Motion from FWPPC and TC to  amend Motion 51 by adding passages in purple. (November 17, 2016) -- [Post Tenure Review]

Motion 53:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointment to the Search and Screen Committee to replace the Registrar. (November 30, 2016)

Motion 54:  Motion from the ASC to approve the following addition to the Faculty and Staff Handbook, Chapter 9, section 2, Academic Standards. (November 30, 2016) -- [Undergraduate Prior Learning Assessment Transfer Credits]

Motion 55:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following "Temporary, Abbreviated, Official Course-Specifications Revision Process. (November 30, 2016

Motion 56:  Motion to approve, "the effort to create an associate's degree...[and]...form a group of faculty to help write the proposal. (November 30, 2016)

Motion 57:  Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Psychology. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 58:  Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Psychology - Health Psychology Option. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 59: Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Psychology - Industrial and Organizational Psychology Option. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 60: Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Psychology - Mental Health Option. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 61:  Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Psychology-Social Justice Option. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 62: Motion from the APPC to approve program change proposal for the major in Data Science and Predictive Analytics. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 63:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointments to the respective committees listed for the respective terms also noted. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 64:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointments to the Search and Screen Committee to replace the Teaching and Learning Technologies Instructional Designer. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 65:  Motion from the Executive Committee to send forward the following committee charge to the Academic Standards Committee regarding TOIEC score. (December 18, 2016

Motion 66: Motion from Executive Committee to create the following ad hoc committee to investigate the feasibility of adding an Associate's Degree at UWRF. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 67: Motion by the LRC to approve the following changes to Chapter 3, Section 3, Article III, Section Q, Numbers 1 and 3 to the following. (December 18, 2016) -- [membership and duties]

Motion 68: Motion from APPC to approve a new program proposal - Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Computing. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 69:  Motion from ASC to approve "allow[ing] students who have successfully completed a campus-supported, for credit, education-aboard program to purchase and wear at commencement stoles reflecting their international academic experience". (December 18, 2016)

Motion 70:  Motion by Faculty Senate chair: Since Paige Miller has an opportunity to work in Kenya in Spring semester, so let us seat Soo-Rhee Rhoo for the spring 2017 semester in her place. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 71: Motion for Vice Chair Paul Shirilla to continue to serve in Paige Miller's place as the chair of the International Programs Committee. (December 18, 2016)

Motion 72:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the faculty appointment of Jennifer Hafer to the Institutional Review Board Committee for a term that expires upon resignation from the committee. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 73:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointment to the Search and Director of Communication and Government Relations. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 74:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following faculty appointments to the Search and Screen Committee to replace the Teaching and Learning Technologies Instructional Designer. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 75:  Motion from the Executive Committee to send forward the following committee charge to the Compensation Committee: Discuss the distribution method of the 100K allocation from the perspective of the CUPA calculation, a merit approach, or some combination. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 76: Motion from APPC to approve the following addition to the Faculty Senate Handbook, relevant to Chapter 3, Article III Sections A, O, and V. (February 23, 2017) -- [process - program changes only heard after course changes are approved]

Motion 77:  Motion from APPC to approve program change proposal to the Master of Science in Computer Science program. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 78: Motion from APPC to approve program change proposal to the STEMteach program. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 79:  Motion from Academic Standards Committee to approve changes to Ch. 9.2.3. (March 7, 2017) -- [syllabi]

Motion 80:  Motion from GSCC to approve the following revisions to Chapter IX - Academic Standards, Procedures and Policies, 9.7 - Advising. (February 23, 2017) -- [student load for undergraduates and graduate students]

Motion 81:  Motion from UCC to add the following statement to Chapter 3, Section 3, Article III, Section V. (February 23, 2017) -- [process for temporary course offerings (such as 289, 389, INTS 370)]

Motion 82: Motion to amend to remove the workshop proposal from Plant and Earth Science regarding developing American Cultural Diversity courses. (February 23, 2017)

Motion 83:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following Search and Screen Committee Membership and Position Description for a new Institutional Review Board. (March 7, 2017)

Motion 84:  Motion from Calendar Committee to approve the 2019-20 Academic Calendar. (March 7, 2017)

Motion 85:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the Strategic Plan Metrics through 2020. (March 7, 2017)

Motion 86:  Motion from Interim Provost Perkins to approve the following Search and Screen Committee Membership for an Institutional Research Analysis. (March 7, 2017)

Motion 87:  Motion from Interim Provost Perkins to approve the following Search and Screen Committee Membership for a Director of Grants and Research. (March7, 2017)

Motion 88:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the following Faculty appointments to the search and screen committee for Assistant Registrar. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 89:  Motion from Faculty Welfare and Personnel Policies Committee to approve the following Student Evaluation. (April 25, 2017) -- [process revision]

Motion 90:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve program change for the Bachelor in Music Education-Choral/General K-12 program. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 91:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve program change proposal for the Bachelor in Music Education - Instrumental/General K-12 program. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 92:  Motion from Executive Committee to approve the charge to the Technology Committee. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 93:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following charges to the International Programs Committee. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 94:  Motion from executive Committee to approve changes to the Assessment Committee Membership, Chapter 3.3.III.F.1. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 95:  Motion from Academic Programs and Policies Committee to approve the program change for the Conservation and Environmental Planning Major. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 96:  Motion from Academic Standards Committee to allow international student to purchase stoles to wear at Commencement. (April 25, 2017)

Motion 97:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Rellen Hardtke as Chair of the General Education and University Requirements Committee for 2017-18, (May 13, 2017)

Motion 98:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Alex Tupan as Chair of the University Curriculum Committee for 2017-18. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 99:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Joy Benson as Chair of the Assessment Committee for 2017-18. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 100:  Motion from AP&PC to approve the attached program proposal for the TESOL Education minor program. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 101:  Motion to appoint Cindy Holbrook to the search committee for the "Associate Student Service Specialist, Coordinator for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student-Athlete Success" position. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 102:  Motion from the Advising Committee to approve the following revision to Chapter 3, Section 3, Article III, Section C, Number 1. (May 13, 2017) -- [membership]

Motion 103:  Motion from the Executive Committee to take from the table the following motion from the April 5, 2017, meeting of the Faculty Senate: "A motion from the Executive Committee to approve changes to Chapter II: Administrative Organization "  (May 13, 2017) -- [a lengthy revision of the entirety of Chapter II]

Motion 104:  Motion from the Assessment Committee to approve the following revisions to Chapter 3, Section 3.4, Article IV, Section 4.1: Assessment Plan Elements for Evaluating Assessment Plans. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 105:  Motion from the Calendar Committee to move the date of commencement in May 2018 to Saturday, May 5, 2018. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 106:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the formation of the following task force: Task Force to Connect the Budget Process to PAR Process. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 107:  Motion from the Executive Committee to appoint Neil Krauss as Chair of the Academic Programs and Policy Committee for 2017-18. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 108:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the attached program change proposal to remove the Ag Studies minor. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 109:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the attached program change proposal to remove the Ag Economic minor. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 110:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the attached program proposal for a new Sustainable Justice minor. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 111:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the following appointments to the Task Force to Connect the Budget Process to the PP-PAR Process. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 112: Motion from the Termination Committee to approve the addition for Chapter IV.4.7.1 in the Faculty Handbook. (May 22, 2017) -- [Faculty Layoff or Termination Policy]

Motion 113:  Motion from the Strategic Plan Progress Committee to approve the attached "Diversity Across the Curriculum" proposal. (May 13, 2017

Motion 114: Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the attached new program proposal for two new programs: the Associate of Sciences program and the Associate of Arts program. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 115:  Motion from the Academic Programs and Policy Committee to approve the following policy, to be added to the Handbook as 1.4.4-Academic Minors: The University of Wisconsin-River Falls states that the minimum number of credits required for an approved minor program is 21 credits. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 116:  Motion from the Executive Committee to take from the table the second reading of 4/5/17 of a motion from Disability Advisory Committee to approve changes to Chapter 3, Section 3, Article III, Section H, Number 1. (May 13 2017) -- [membership]

Motion 117:  Motion from the Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee to approve the addition of the attached document to Chapter to the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 13, 2017) -- [graduate program directors]

Motion 118:  Motion from the Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee to approve the addition of the attached document to Chapter to the Faculty and Staff Handbook. (May 13, 2017) -- [graduate program committees]

Motion 119:  Motion from the Executive Committee to approve the formation of the following ad-hoc committee on distance education and to approve the appointment of the two faculty at large positions as indicated. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 120:  Motion from the Athletic Committee to approve changes to Chapter 3, Section 3, Article III, Section F, Number 1. (May 13, 2017) -- [membership]

Motion 121:  Motion from the Academic Program and Policy Committee to approve the attached program change proposal for the Accounting major. (May 13, 2017)

Motion 122:  Motion from the Graduate Studies Committee to approve the following revisions to Chapter IX-Academic Standards, Procedures and Policies, 9.2-Academic Standards. (May 13, 2017)


Resolution 1: Resolution Thanking the UWRF Foundation Board for their Success on the Rising to Distinction Campaign.

Resolution 2:  Resolution regarding Post Tenure Review Policy.

Resolution 3: Resolution Tuition Freeze Proposed Resolution. 

Resolution 4: Resolution in support of the Registrar's Office at UWRF.

Resolution 5: 2017-19 Biennial Budget Resolution. 

Resolution 6: Signed by Faculty Senate members resolution regarding President Trump's Executive Order on Immigration. 

Resolution 7:  Resolution regarding tenured faculty.

Resolution 8:  Resolution regarding ADA on campus.

Resolution 9:  Resolution in Gratitude for Dean Brad Caskey.