Professor In Front Of Class


Strategic Plan Initiatives: 2014-2015

  • First Year Seminar-Develop a one-credit First-Year Seminar (FYS) course that challenges and supports all first year students - both inside and outside the classroom. The FYS will be designed to develop first-year students as learners and scholars, build their skills for success, and connect them with the campus community
  • STEM GTC with optional Master's degree -Create a self-funding STEM graduate teacher certification (GTC) program, with an optional master's degree in the CEPS in collaboration with the CAS and Outreach. The program will provide STEM degree holders a focused and efficient route to an initial secondary teaching certification. The initial target candidates will include STEM degree holders who are recent graduates, career changers, and retirees. Approval through the WI DPI will be sought.
  • Falcon Scholars Program Director -Create the position of Falcon Scholars Program Director through a one-quarter time release to a current UWRF faculty member (to be named). UWRF has admitted two classes of Falcon Scholars. Since the retirement of the previous program director, the task of coordinating Falcon Scholar activities has been shared by the Provost, Foundation, Admissions and AVC for Enrollment and Student Success.
  • Honors Program Improvement -Hire a half-time Honors Program Director and begin the implementation of suggestions from the report issued by the Ideas and Innovation Project committee in December 2013. In the past, the Honors Program Director was just one of multiple unrelated roles assigned to an administrator. A half-time Honors Program Director will focus on improving both the administrative processes and the curricular structure of the Honors Program, potentially leading to upgrading the program into an Honors College in 2-5 years.