Chancellor’s University Staff Excellence Awards

2013 Connie Smith and Jay Unseth

Connie Smith

Connie Smith has many years of experience working with small and large companies to improve safety and risk management practices. She has been teaching 10 and 30 hour OSHA compliance courses for more than 15 years. Working to mitigate risks and preventing accidents and injuries is the major focus of the Risk Management Department. Other responsibilities include having signature authority for contracts, managing property and liability claims, performing safety training, authorizing drivers, and assuring compliance with local, state, and federal regulations related to the environment, worker safety, hazardous waste, and emergency preparedness.

"I've lost track of the number of issues Connie has resolved on the part of faculty, students, and staff," said Mike Stifter, executive director of facilities planning and management, in his nomination. "She is the consummate professional and her enthusiasm is contagious."

Jay Unseth

Jay Unseth began serving UW-River Falls as an electronics/media technician in February 2002. His primary duties include classroom technology technical support, DE facilitation, videoconferencing coordination and all around "utility man." 

Jason also serves as chief operator and engineer for WRFW-FM, the campus radio station. For the past seven years, Jason has served as UWRF's official representative to the UW System Educational Media Technology Council. He served as president of EMTC for four years and a past president and past member-at-large on the Board of Directors for the St. Croix Valley Community Band. He also served as the technical/crafts representative on the UWRF Classified Staff Advisory Council. Off the clock, Jay enjoys music composition, astronomy, and spending time with his family and friends. He is proud to call UWRF and River Falls his home.

Connie Smith


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