Human Resources


Compensation will be administered in a manner compliant with UW System Administrative Policy 1277


Merit Based Pay

All merit awards granted shall comply with the procedures in UW System Administrative Procedure 1277.B,

Compensation: Merit Pay.
Merit Academic Staff Policy AP-06-119
Faculty Merit Procedures 5.3
Merit Policy for Limited Appointees AP-06-115
University Staff Merit 7.7.11


Pay Plan

The pay plan will be administered in a manner compliant with UW System Administrative Policy 1278.


Wis. Stat. §230.12(3)(e)

  • Board of Regents does not have authority to approve a pay plan
  • Board of Regents recommends a pay plan to the Administrator of the State’s Division of Personnel Management (DPM)
  • DPM Administrator submits pay plan recommendation to the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER)
  • Final authority for the approval of a pay plan rests with JCOER

Regent Policy Document 20-21, University Personnel Systems

  • Delegates to the President of the University of Wisconsin System, except for the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the authority to formulate operating policies to administer the personnel system

2023-25 Pay Plan

In alignment with the 2023-2025 State of Wisconsin Biennial Budget, the pay plan increase for fiscal year 2024 is 4% effective July 2, 2023 and 2% effective June 30, 2024.

Faculty, academic staff holding a renewable appointment, limited appointees, and permanent and project university staff not represented by a collective bargaining agreement will be considered for an adjustment, if meeting all required criteria. Temporary employees and academic staff holding an instructional or non-instructional fixed-term terminal appointment are not eligible for pay plan adjustments. Any adjustments for these employee categories will have to be considered outside of the pay plan policy and be funded through the campus budget. 

All UW institutions are to distribute the pay increase based on solid performance and merit according to institutional guidelines.

Other important criteria to note:

  • Salary adjustments will be considered for eligible employees with active employment at UW-River Falls with hire date on or before July 1, 2023 for FY 24 and three month prior to pay plan effective date for FY25. 
  • Eligibility is based on merit and having a job performance rating of “successfully meets expectations,” “meets standards” or higher on the appropriate performance evaluation. The evaluation must be received in Human Resources by the appropriate deadline prior to the fiscal year distribution effective date.  View review forms at
  • All required mandatory training must be completed (Data Security & Privacy, Mandated Reporter, Preventing Harassment & Sexual Violence and if applicable, Campus Security Authority).

For more information reference: 2023-2025 UWRF Pay Plan Distribution Guidelines

Contact Us

Office of Human Resources
M-F, 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
216/218 North Hall