Unemployement Benefits Resources
You may reference the digital poster for when and how to apply for unemployment benefits. You may file an upemployment claim in the first week that your employment stops or your work hours are reduced. To apply online or for more information and FAQs visit DWD Umemployment Insurance. For help using online unemployement services or if you are unable to go online call 414-435-7069 or toll-free 844-910-3661 during business hours.
The business address for UW-River Falls that should be used when applying for unemployement compensation is 410 S.3rd St., River Falls, WI 54022. If you have questions for the Human Resources office regarding unemployment, contact Molly Matzek, HR coordinator, at or 715-425-3247.
UW System Interim Policy Resources
Interim statutory, regulatory, and policy actions have been taken to assist UW institutions in responding to the pandemic. A listing of interim statutory, regulatory, and policy actions can be found on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Interim Policy Resources webpage.
Overtime Rule Information
On November 22, 2016, a federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas placed a nationwide hold to the U.S. Department of Labor changes scheduled to take effect on December 1, 2016. This website will be updated as additional information is received.
Supervisor Training
Information provided at the May 5, 2016 Supervisor Performance Management Training (Power Point Presentation) is now available.
UPS In Effect
As of July 1, 2015, University Personnel System (UPS) became effective for all UW-System campuses (UW-Madison adopted a separate system).
Additional retirement savings opportunities
The university offers additional retirement savings through the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (457) and Tax Sheltered Annuity (403b) Plans. Learn more about the additional retirement savings plans offered by the university by attending an individual counseling session. Click here for a schedule of upcoming on-campus counseling sessions offered by Fidelity, TIAA-CREF and the WDC.
Long-Term Care Insurance
Mutual of Omaha is now offering a new long term care insurance (LTCi) plan, called MutualCare Custom Solution. This is a voluntary, employee-pay-all plan. It is the only LTCi plan currently available for enrollment. Employees and annuitants who previously purchased a United of Omaha (through HealthChoice) or John Hancock (through Senior Care) long term care insurance plan are unaffected and may keep their LTCi coverage. Select HERE for more information.
University Personnel System
Human resources staff presented an update employees spring 2015, find it here.
On April 23, 2014 University of Wisconsin System received approval to begin implementation of new personnel systems for UW System (University Personnel System - UPS) and UW-Madison. These systems are required by legislation, implementation was originally scheduled for 2013, but later delayed until July 1, 2015. Read the full release here.
History: Two personnel systems were mandated in the 2011-13 biennial budget; one system for UW-Madison and one for the balance of the UW System. Both systems address staffing, compensation, training, performance management, diversity and legal compliance. Click to read the UPS Project Team recommendations.
The UPS Task Force has provided information regarding development by UWSA of a website intended to provide regular updates on development, a list of frequently asked questions, and UPS committee notes and membership and feedback is now available. This website is at The link to the UPS website will also be listed at the MyUW portal for employee access.
The UW Tax-Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403b plan has announced that there will be no administrative fee to participate in the TSA plan for 2014. The UW TSA 403(b) Plan provides a low-cost way to save for retirement. All funds are no-load: there are no sales commissions or broker fees. There is no University fee. The UW TSA companies have no annual fees. Participants have access to funds with special low-cost share classes like Fidelity K Shares and TIAA-CREF Institutional share classes. For more information regarding the TSA plan visit the UWSA TSA website.
Previous Years
Limited Apointee Equity Adjustment FY 14
Executive Order #54, Effective December 19, 2011, requires all University of Wisconsin System Employees to report child abuse and neglect. Cover Memo - EO #54 - FAQs
Information Regarding New University Personnel Structure
Office of State Employment Relations (OSER) Repair Bill FAQ
My UW System Earning statements are now located in the "My UW System" portal and are available for review at least three days prior to your pay date.
Insurance Coverage for Adult Children up to Age 26
University Personnel System DRAFT Recommendations: Two one-hour listening sessions will be held at the University Center’s Kinnickinnic Theatre on Thursday, May 3, at 10:00 and at 2:00 and campus stakeholders are invited to attend. The proposed UW University Personnel System (UPS) Development DRAFT Recommendations will be presented then. |