

Scholarships are available for new and continuing students to recognize those with a high potential for success. Students can also earn money through paid research and other departmental work.

Physics Alumni Scholarship - New Students

The Physics Alumni Scholarship supports incoming new and transfer students, and continuing physics majors.

►Award is for the student's first year. Award amount and number of awards per year is variable. 
►Contact Glenn Spiczak or Lowell McCann for more information.


Physics Scholarships for Continuing Students

Scholarships are available annually for students who are in the physics or physics/engineering program at UWRF. These scholarships (depending on funds) range from approximately $450 to over $1500 per year.

Curt and Dee Larson Scholarship This scholarship supports an entering junior student with a physics major.  
►Student must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. 
►Student must have at least one year completed toward a physics major with plans to earn a physics major at UWRF.
**Selection of the recipient may be based on financial need, involvement, and service to the Physics Department, the university, and the community. 

Dr. Henry Tranmal Scholarship - Physics This scholarship supports a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student pursuing a degree with major emphasis in physics who plans to continue at UWRF in the physics curriculum. 

Earl G. Albert Memorial Scholarship This scholarship supports an entering sophomore, junior or senior student with a physics major (or science major if no qualified physics student) with a minimum 2.0 GPA.  

►The student must plan to continue at UWRF and be in good academic standing.
►Additionally, the student must be active in extracurricular activities, including church, community and/or university-based activities. 

Warren and Anna Campbell Endowed Scholarship This scholarship supports a physics major who is at least an upcoming junior.

►Student must be enrolled full time (minimum 12 credits per semester) and have demonstrated financial need.
**The scholarship is renewable until graduation if the recipient maintains a physics major and a minimum (cumulative) 3.0 GPA. 

J. E. Butler International Research Scholarship
Study Abroad:

This scholarship supports students intending to perform a semester abroad experience and will conduct research that incorporates science. Students must be enrolled in the UWRF Semester Abroad: Europe program, Wisconsin in Scotland, or another UWRF education abroad program such as approved independent study or Experience China programs, provided that they intend to carry out a semester-long, adviser-approved research project while abroad.

Students must submit a research project proposal that is signed by a faculty adviser. The proposal must include an indication of the research facility where the student will work abroad and the project in which they will participate.
**Students who intend to present the results of their research at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research or at a discipline specific conference. This should be specified in the research proposal. 
**Students majoring in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, but any research proposal that incorporates science can be considered.

Award: $681.00
Supplemental Questions related to the education abroad program:
Do you plan to participate in a credit-bearing education abroad program approved by UWRF? If Yes, please list the program.
Please upload your research project proposal, signed by a faculty adviser. The proposal must include an indication of the research facility where you will work abroad and the project in which you will participate.

Apply for ANY of these continuing student scholarships below:


►►There are MORE scholarships available to physics students that allow students pursuing other majors at UWRF to apply (ex: STEM). 

Finally, there are scholarships with specific coursework requirements from other university departments or scholarships that require residency in a geographic area (ex: St. Croix County). Find all of these scholarships and apply using the Financial Aid website

Contact Us

Physics Department
127 Centennial Science Hall

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