
Our Programs

Flexible options for a variety of interests and career plans:

  • Physics, Option I or II

  • Applied Physics for Industry and Engineering, four possible added certificates

  • Physics/Engineering Dual Degree

  • Pre-Engineering

  • Education

No need to worry if you're not sure precisely which is best, all start out essentially the same and there is a lot of overlap in case you switch along the way.

Physics (Bachelor's Degree)

Option I is recommended as preparation for graduate studies in physics or for industrial research. Option II, which requires 14 fewer physics credits, allows more flexibility for study in other areas. View typical physics course plans.


Applied Physics for Industry and Engineering (APIE)

Prepares highly competitive graduates for industry, graduate school, or starting a new business. Provides a firm physics and technical foundation, professional communication proficiency, and focused skills in at least one of four selected certificate areas: Mechanics, Optics and Electronics, Entrepreneurship, and/or Biology. Typical APIE course plans.


Physics/Engineering Dual Degree (Dual Degree)

Dual Degree students earn a Bachelor of Science in Physics (APIE option) from UW-River Falls and an ABET accredited Bachelor of Science degree in engineering at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Minnesota-Duluth or University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.



Pre-Engineering students complete up to two years of physics, math, chemistry, engineering and general education courses at UW-River Falls and transfer to an engineering university to complete their degree.


Physics and General Science Education

Teacher License: General Science, grades 4-12



Contact Us

Physics Department
127 Centennial Science Hall