
Add a Document

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IMPORTANT:  Upload a New Document Version replaces an existing version. The following is for a first-time upload.

Adding and Linking a Document

There are two steps to adding and linking a document.

  1. First, upload the document to the server.
  2. link the document inside your formatted text block.

Step One

  1. In the gray navigation click new, then uploaded document.

uploaded doc

2. You will then select the subsite you want to place your document in. (The subsite you are in is the default)

3. Then Select "Upload Multiple Documents"


4. Drag and drop the document or "add file" to browse to select the document.

5. Click upload documents. Then click next.

upload multiple files

6. In the window called "My Pending Uploaded Documents" give your document a Title and a Description. Under Actions click the check box or "Select All". 

7. Click "Enter Properties" and then "Save".

title description

8. Exit out of both windows. You have uploaded the document to the server.

Step Two

To add a new document, create a link in a text block and choose the Uploaded Document File type.

  1. Highlight the text that you want to link to the document.

Document Upload Highlight

  1. Click the Link icon.

Create Link

  1. Choose the link type  "Uploaded Document".

4. Locate and select your document and then save. (Choose sort by date to find the document faster)


Related: Upload a New Document Version.

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