Attention self-guided training users: Log in from any page in the "Student Training Practice" subsite then follow the next tutorial to create a new page.
The login link is in the page footer which appears on each page.
Look in the lower right corner for Administrative Login
*Note: This button will only appear when connected to the campus network or VPN.
Use your W number and associated password.
You will arrive on the same page you visited but menu options will now be revealed.
The "My Commonspot Dashboard" in the upper left corner will reveal pages to which you have access or are in the process of working on.
There are three way to access other pages.
(Pages that have been recently worked on may appear listed in the the MyCommonspot dashboard also.)
You may log in on any UWRF web page but you will only be able to edit pages that you have been granted author rights. While remaining logged in you may navigate to a page to which you have access.
To edit a page, go to:
View > Work on this Page (All Changes)
If those options are grayed out, you do not have permissions for the page.