UWRF subscribes to Pivot and is a member of the Grants Resource Center (GRC). Both are valuable resources for assisting faculty and staff in identifying sources of funding. A comprehensive source of federal grant information is
Pivot is the leading global resource for hard-to-find information to support scientific research and other projects across all disciplines. It is a comprehensive, searchable database of funding opportunities (grants, fellowships, prizes, and more), funding alerts, and expertise.
The GRC is a unit of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). It provides access to a comprehensive suite of tools, services, and expertise to improve your success in securing competitive grants from federal and private sponsors. There are publications and bulletins available for assistance, in addition to their expert staff. Contact the grants office for login information. Once you login to the GRC the following links will be fully functional:
GrantSearch is a funding database developed to make finding federal and private foundation grant information accessible and convenient by allowing the user to search the funding opportunity database using any combination of the five criteria: academic subject, activity, funding sponsor, deadline month, and keyword.
Publications include 13 electronic newsletters a month which cover recently released funding opportunities and updates on the landscape of higher education funding priorities.
Resources include a faculty alert system, agency fact sheets, funded proposals, and much more. is the site for all federal grants activity. You can search for grant sources from federal agencies, register for e-mail notification of grant announcements in your fields of interest, and file annual reports through this site.