University Staff Senate

Request to Speak

The University of Wisconsin-River Falls University Staff Senate (USS) welcomes you to the monthly meetings.  Our meetings are open for public observation and we value the ideas and insights of others, and therefore, will allow time for guest comments at each regular meeting.  If you do not wish to provide comments at a meeting, feel free to speak with a USS member outside of the meeting to share your thoughts or ideas.

If you wish to speak to the Senate during the meeting, please complete the information below and submit it one week before the meeting.  When the USS reaches the comment section on the agenda, the President will call on those people one at a time to address the Senate.  Please be brief as our meeting time is limited.  You will be informed via e-mail if your topic will be discussed at the next meeting.

At other times during the meeting, USS members may wish to ask for information from persons in the audience, but please refrain from comment unless a USS member asks you to comment.

Thank you for helping us conduct an open and efficient meeting.

Date of the meeting you wish to attend.

Contact Us

University Staff Senate

Jody Sather
Chair, University Staff Senate