
Catalog Links to Course Descriptions

Complete the following steps:

1. If you are replacing an old link delete the link by deleting the text or simply clicking on the link and selecting "remove tag"

2. Add the course number and the course title to the appropriate place within the text block. The link to the appropriate course information will automatically appear after the change is submitted. Authors DO NOT have to create links to the course offerings.

Add course number and name 

Note: For new or edited offerings links will not be visible in authoring mode. (The CMS detects the course name and number and automatically applies the link! The link will be visible to page visitors following page approval.)

3. Save the change.

4. Submit the page.
Registrar's office staff will approve the page change. Add a description of the change and check the box to notify the registrar's office web page approvers that you are requesting this change.

Add your request to the field 


A message will be sent to registrar's office staff notifying them to review and approve the change. See example:


Image of sample message to registrar's staff

The registrar's office will review the change and act accordingly.

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