Pre-veterinary medicine is a program of study designed to meet the requirements for admission into a school or college of veterinary medicine. It is a pre-professional program indicating an interest in entering veterinary school and becoming a veterinarian. Most pre-veterinary students declare their major as animal science, dairy science or biology because many courses in the pre-vet program count towards one of these degrees.
Students have the greatest successes of acceptance into the veterinary school in the state in which they reside. For most UWRF students these schools are the University of Wisconsin-Madison or the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Our recommended curriculum exceeds the minimum requirements for admission into several Midwestern veterinary schools. Based on the experience of our many successful pre-vet students, we recommend that students complete the full degree program in order to be better prepared for veterinary school.
A BS degree is not required to be accepted into veterinary school as long as the prerequisite courses have been completed. The 3+1 program is designed for pre-vet students who are accepted in veterinary school prior to completing their BS degree in animal science or dairy science. Students who have completed at least three years at UWRF, and after successful completion of their first year of veterinary school, may obtain an animal science or dairy science degree from UWRF.