Risk Management

Fire Drill Response Report

Fire drills were performed on campus September 14, 2022. The UWRF Safety Committee drill volunteers appreciated everyone's cooperation with the building evacuations. If you have any comments or suggestions for future improvement, e-mail

View fire alarm response Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions you'd like to add to the list for response, e-mail Get back to basics with the Fire Safety Basics.

Link to State Statutes requiring evacuation.


Several key messages are being shared based on results of drill performance.


What went well:

  1. Overall, there was good cooperation for the drill and response to the alarms.
  2. Several buildings had improved evacuation times over the previous year.
  3. Most individuals took the drills seriously and were genuinely interested in assuring an effective evacuation.
  4. The UWRF Safety Committee members heard many comments of appreciation from participants. 

What needs improvement:

  1. Please participate and encourage others to as well. You never know when it may be a real fire and not a drill.
  2. Utilize all options for exit paths. Many times people walked right past an emergency exit door to get to a main stairwell. Be familiar with and utilize the closest door to get out.
  3. All staff and students need to move further away from the building and go to designated "Post Evacuation Assembly Areas." If firefighters do need to respond, they will need room around the building to drive trucks and stage equipment. A good rule of thumb is to stay about 150 feet away from the building. Check the poster in the classroom to find the designated area. If the poster is not there, let Risk Management know so it can be replaced.


Related: Responding to a Fire


Contact Us

Risk Management
Jeanna Hayes
Phone: 715-425-3344
25H North Hall

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