Standing Committees

Affirmative Action Advisory Committee


2023-2024 Agendas 2023-2024 Minutes





2022-2023 Agendas 2022-2023 Minutes 2022-2023 Attachments






2021-2022 Agendas 2021-2022 Minutes 2021-2022 Attachments






2020-2021 Agendas 2020-2021 Minutes 2020-2021 Attachments





2019-2020 Agendas 2019-2020 Minutes 2019-2020 Attachments





2018-2019 Agendas 2018-2019 Minutes 2018-2019 Attachments





2017-2018 Agendas 2017-2018 Minutes 2017-2018 Attachments

October 18, 2017


November 8, 2017


Combined Inclusity Language

December 6, 2017





2016-2017 Agendas
2016-2017 Minutes
2016-2017 Attachments






2015-2016 Agendas 2015-2016 Minutes

October 7, 2015

October 7, 2015

December 16, 2015

March 10, 2016   canceled

March 31, 2016





2014-2015 Agendas 2014-2015 Minutes

October 30, 2014

October 30, 2014

March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015

April 14, 2015







2013-2014 Agendas 2013-2014 Minutes 2013-2014 Attachments

October 25, 2013

October 25, 2013


November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013

March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014

April 9, 2014


2009-2010 Agendas 2009-2010 Minutes

October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

December 13,2009

December 13,2009

February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010


Required Status
Voting Status
Required Rank
Confirming Body
Faculty At large Voting Catherine Nassara (chair 2023-2024) NA 2023-2026 Faculty Senate
Faculty At large Voting   NA 2023-2026 Faculty Senate
Faculty At large Voting Kiril Petkov  NA 2022-2025 Faculty Senate
Faculty At large Voting Pascal Ngoboka  NA 2021-2024 Faculty Senate
Faculty At large Voting Rellen Hardtke NA 2022-2025 Faculty Senate
Assistant to the Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Assistant to the Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Voting Dean Vesperman NA indefinite NA
HR Director or Representative HR Director or Representative Voting   NA indefinite NA
University Staff Representative Classified Staff  Voting Tina Wang NA indefinite University Staff Senate
Academic Staff Representative Academic Staff Voting   NA indefinite Academic Staff Council
Student At large Voting   NA 2023-2024 Student Senate









 Affirmative Action Advisory Committee

[FS 06/07 #43], [FS 12/13 #34]

  1. This committee is established under the requirements of Regent Policy Document 17-4 (former 75-5) which requires, in part, that each UW institution “establish and maintain an affirmative action committee (or committees, as appropriate) composed of faculty, academic staff, classified employees, and students to advise the administration on affirmative action needs and concerns, and to assist affirmative action directors in designing and implementing programs.”
  1. Membership: Five faculty (if possible, one of those 5 should hold the rank of Instructional Academic Staff), the Assistant to the Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, the Director of Human Resources or designee, a member of the classified staff, an academic staff member, and a student. (Note change in title of Asst. to the Chancellor)
  2. Term of Office: Three years for faculty and academic staff, one to two members appointed each year. One year for students.
  3. Duties:
    1. to advise the University administration and the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion on issues, policies, and programs relevant to affirmative action and equal opportunity in the retention and recruitment of all employees and applicants for employment
    2. to communicate issues raised within Affirmative Action Advisory Committee meetings to the appropriate group(s), e.g., University administration, academic or administrative units, governance groups, the University community at large, etc.
    3. to provide policy recommendations to University governance groups, e.g., the Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Council, and the Academic Staff Council.