
Internship Opportunities & Work Related Experiences

Students can receive credit for practical work experience in laboratory, field or professional areas of Biology at UW-River Falls. Internship duties and responsibilities vary as they are tailored to the needs of the sponsoring agency and the background of the student.

A student who wishes to earn credit for work experience must be of junior or senior standing and have a suitable academic background to meet the needs of sponsoring agency. Students also need departmental approval from a faculty member.

To apply, students need to fill out a Student Internship Proposal Guidelines Form which includes the following:

  • Description of the internship; the employer, range of duties, and application to the major
  • Student academic status
  • Timeline and number of hours
  • Credits to be earned and how they will be applied to student required coursework
  • Earnings, if any will be obtained
  • Supervision and Evaluation; indicate academic and work supervisors and how student will be evaluated

The signed form must be turned in to the department chair prior to the start of the internship. Once the proposal has been submitted, the student will obtain a permission number to register for BIOL 379. To earn credit, students must register for the course during the term in which the intership work is completed; the course is offered every semester, including winter and summer sessions.

When the internship is completed, the student will be graded based on a report and any other requirements described in the proposal guidelines form. An evaluation by the internship work supervisor is required and should be submitted to the faculty supervisor who determines the student's grade based on the agreed upon criteria.

Helpful Links


Internship Proposal Guidelines
Minnesota Careers Website

Includes the Department of Natural Resources, Pollution Control Agency, Health Department, and Minnesota Zoological Gardens (MN Zoo). Search "intern" or select Agency/Student.

Minnesota Zoo Internships

State of Wisconsin Student Diversity Internship Program/Wisconsin DNR

Michigan State University Plant Genomics Internships

Michigan State University offers a 10-week mentored research experience utilizing wet-lab or computational-based approaches to address fundamental questions related to the biology of plants or photosynthetic micro-organisms. The REU program offers research seminars, professional development workshops, networking opportunities, graduate school advice, career discussions, presentation opportunities, and social activities. The application deadline is early February, with program dates mid May through late July. Housing and meals on campus are provided as well as a $5,750 stipened.


University of Nebraska - Lincoln Summer Research Program

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln offers an intensive summer research experience that provides mentoring and research experiences while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life. Areas covered include applied plant systems, beneficial insects, bioenergy systems, biomedical engineering, materials science, minority health disparities, molecular plant-microbe interaction, plant and microbiome, redox biology, virology, and more.

Scholars stay in suite-style housing, enjoy an on-campus meal plan, and have travel costs covered. The program also features worshops for GRE prep, writing a personal statement, creating a research poster, and more. The stipened range is $5000-6000, and program duration is early June - early August. Application opens in November.


Minnesota Department of Health

The Department of Health in Minnesota offers internship opportunities for college students. Work experience may include conducting secondary data analysis and preparing reports and/or data briefs on results.

To search for positions and apply visit the Minnesota Careers website - select Agency: Health Department or enter the Job ID in the search bar.


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

The State of Wisconsin has a Student Diversity Internship Program that offers paid internship opportunities for students wishing to explore different careers based on their unique interests. Work may include conducting botanical surveys, water sampling, and data entry queries and analysis.

Apply online at Wisc.Jobs


Eau Claire City-County Health Department

The Eau Claire City-County Health Department (ECCCHD) provides opportunities for aspiring environmental health professionals to gain work experience as an Environmental Health Aides. Based on interests and qualifications, selected applicants are assigned to a specific focus area within ECCCHD’s many environmental health programs; with occasional opportunities being available to shadow and assist in other programs. These positions can include working in the ECCCHD’s public health laboratory, a code compliance program, and the housing program as well as assisting with various projects with GIS applications. These flexible part time positions are perfect for a college student or working professional to explore working for a local health department. Summer hours are likely to consist of up to 36 per week for each position with potential for a more limited schedule extending beyond summer for select positions.

Apply on Handshake.


Minneota Department of Natural Resources

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has numerous seasonal student positions each year. Sampling aquatic plants and water quality, teaching recreational fishing, ecology, and conservation, working as part of fisheries survery crews, collecting data on state forest land, survyeing and mapping land,  establishing long term monitoring plots, processing samples in a lab, and recording data are just some of the diverse internship opportunities offered throughout the state of Minnesota.


To search for positions and apply visit the MN DNR Website or the Minnesota Careers website


Minneota Pollution Control Agency

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has a number of seasonal positions for biological monitoring each year. They are looking for Student Workers, Technicians, and Temporary Biologists in St. Paul and Brainerd to monitor groundwater, collect fish samples and habitat measurements, maintain field equipment, and keep records among other duties. 


To search for positions and apply click on the links above or visit the Minnesota Careers website - select Agency: Pollution Control Agency and Job Function: Student.


Minnesota Zoo (Zoological Gardens)

The Minnesota Zoo offers unpaid and paid internships in many of its divisions. A MN Zoo internship provides workplace experience and the opportunity to learn about careers in zoology, education, communication, conservation, and public service. Applications are accepted year-round from junior and senior students. All internships run 10 to 14 weeks, 30 to 40 hours a week.

College students who are accepted as interns at the Zoo have a unique opportunity to gain practical workplace experience, complete a meaningful independent projected related to their internship placement, and fulfill an academic requirement within their program of study. A student intern must be receiving academic credit from, or be fulfilling an academic requirement of an accredited Institution of Higher Education.

For more information, visit or search for openings on the Careers in Minnesota website under Agency - Minnesota Zoological Gardens, Job Function - Student.


North Dakota Parks and Recreation

The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department offers various seasonal job opportunities for students including park attendants, park rangers, and park interpreters. However, there are a number of different positions that are available.


View the open positions on the North Dakota State Government website. Contact Kennedy Luedeman / (701)-890-6471 with any questions.


Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District

The Prior Lake - Spring Lake Watershed District hires Water Resource interns each summer. Interns monitor the District's conservation easements, assist with projects, support the District's education and outreach efforts to the public, complete water quality monitoring, and assist with erosion and sediment control site inspections.


St. Croix Wetland Management District (WMD)

The St. Croix Wetland Management District, headquartered out of New Richmond, WI, is part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Refuge System. They are looking for students to assist with a diversity of projects including plant inventory, seed collection, monarch butterfly surveys, invasive species control, and fence installation and maintenance for grazing public lands.

More information about the St. Croix Wetland Management District


US Fish and Wildlife Service

The US Fish and Wildlife Service offers various opportunities for student trainees. Duties can include compiling GIS map data, invasive species and fish pathogen monitoring, data management of databases, data assessment and validation, and/or geographic data discovery.

Apply at USAJOBS


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

The State of Wisconsin has a Student Diversity Internship Program that offers paid internship opportunities for students wishing to explore different careers based on their unique interests. Work may include conducting botanical surveys, water sampling, and data entry queries and analysis.

Apply online at Wisc.Jobs


Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Conservation Leadership Corps

The Conservation Leadership Corps training program provides excellent training to students who are interested in conservation and environmental policy. The training program focuses on leadership, policy communication and advocacy, policy analysis and development, and policy presentation skills.

All costs are covered by the WWF and a small scholarship will be given to each student upon completion of the program. The application deadline is May 31st. The program is focused on current high school seniors and college students that have at least one additional year of college remaining.

More information can be found at



NASA Internships are competitive awards to support educational opportunities that provide unique NASA-related research and operational experiences for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as educators. These opportunities serve students by integrating interns with career professionals emphasizing mentor-directed, degree-related tasks, while contributing to the operation of a NASA facility or the advancement of NASA's missions. The application can be found on the NASA Internships and Fellowships website.

Oceans Research

Oceans Research provides an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to join its team of researchers in Mossel Bay, South Africa. During a month long experiential learning course, students gain hands-on practical training in conducting field research on South Africa's marine megafauna, including the white shark. Students are an integral part of the research team; collecting data while gaining valuable insight and training in the latest methods and seamanship to equip them with the skills necessary to be successful marine researchers.

Organization for Tropical Studies

The National Science Foundation's LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation) and Organization for Tropical Studies offer summer  Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Costa Rica. Students selected for the program live at one of two stations that provide unparalleled access to tropical forest ecosystems, mentoring by tropical ecology researchers, and training in field research methodology. The program covers the cost of room and board, international travel, and provides a stipend of $550/week for 8 weeks of research.

Student Conservation Association

Get real conservation experience with the Student Conservation Association. They provide expense-paid internships including a living stipend, housing, and round trip travel for 3-12 months in all fifty states. Programs include young adult, gap year, and field experience opportunities ranging from exploring sustainability to leading conservation crews and projects.

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge

Turpentine Creek is a GFAS Accredited Sanctuary in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, committed to rescuring abused, abandoned, and unwanted exotic cats. They offer 6 month post graduate internships in the fall and spring during which students provide daily care of tigers, lions, bears, leopards, and other exotic cats. In addition to cleaning, feeding, and medicating the animals, interns provide habitat maintenance and construction, animal husbandry and enrichment, record keeping, tours, and receive behavior management training. Housing is provided on the refuge as well as a weekly stipened for food.


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Biology Department
414 Agricultural Science
611 South 3rd Street

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