UWRF has reduced potable water use per unit floor area by 40.66% and water use per unit of vegetated are by 24.64% compared to a baseline established in 2005 as part of State Executive Order 145 for energy reduction goals.
In 2004, a Stormwater study was commissioned by UW System. In partnership with various agencies, the DNR and City of River Falls in particular, UW-River Falls has developed a Stormwater plan. While still in draft form, it is a guiding document in our stormwater efforts. Fortunately we have a long history of being good stewards of our land and resources. The City of River Falls also is nationally recognized for their efforts and assists the University in the implementation of our plan.
While we currently meet all DNR standards for Stormwater Management, it is our goal through each construction project to further enhance our program. We also work to actively manage our efforts throughout the year through inspections as well as repair and mitigation projects.
The Stormwater Management logo on this page was the result of a Stormwater logo contest in the Spring 2009. Cate Dodson, Chalmer Davee Library employee, was the winner of the contest and creator of this logo.