
Farmer Projects

St Croix County logo


St. Croix County Farmland Preservation Survey: 2021

This survey replicated a survey first administered in 2010 as part of St. Croix County's Farmland Preservation Plan (FPP.) This surveys purpose was to gather information from farmers, farmland owners, and agri-business owners/managers about farmland preservation and agricultural issues in St. Croix County.

Calumet County

Calumet County Farmland Preservation Study: 2018

The purpose of this survey was to gather feedback for an update of the County's farmland preservation plan. In addition, the County used their GIS system to query all properties within the project area (unincorporated communities) that had an agricultural improvement value of $50,000 or more and cross referenced the list to ensure the maximum participation by the farming community. 

Farm Fresh Atlas WI


Farm Fresh Atlas Producer and Consumer Surveys: 2019

The purpose of this study was to conduct the evaluation portion of a federal three year grant evaluating Wisconsin Farm Fresh Atlases. This research report includes: 

  • Fresh Atlas Producer Survey: Data from farmer participants in the Farm Fresh Atlas to measure percieved impact of the Farm Fresh Atlas on their operations. 
  • Farm Fresh Atlas Consumer Survey: Consumers survey about their awareness of the Farm Fresh Atlas, the impact of the Atlas has had on their purchase decisions, and likely future purchases.