Face-to-Face Studies Next Steps
In addition to the steps above, student researchers conducting face-to-face studies will need to reserve a room to conduct their research and create a sign-up link.
Reserve a room for your study:
- Determine the specific dates and times that you will be collecting data and how many participants you want to accommodate at each session.
- Check room avialability with the Psychological Sciences Department Associate and reserve a room for these dates and times. Please do not attempt to reserve a room without consulting the main office.
Create a sign-up link for participants:
- You can use any free online sign-up software. The department recommends using signup(dot)com.
- Make sure to collect the participants' names, emails, and extra credit course information (DEPT XXX-XX Course Name, Instructor).
- Please note that a list of participants need to be submitted at the end of your study. It is recommended that you enter the names participants in a spreadsheet after each session.
Collecting Data
Student researchers will be responsible for collecting and organizing data. Student researchers work with their research supervisor to make sure that their data collection methods are appropriate for thier research needs. All participants must consent to participating in the research study.
If you are conducting a face-to-face session you may need to complete the Consent Form Cover Sheet and the Consent Reporting Form
- Consent Form Cover Sheet: Make certain that the information on this cover sheet corresponds to the information appearing on your Study Information Form. The study name, number, course name, etc., should be the same. List on this sheet, any potential risks that are involved with this study, and make participants aware of participation guidelines.
- Consent Reporting Form: Make as many copies as needed, then staple these copies to the back of the Consent Form Cover Sheet.
Notably, in some studies, individual consent forms are used instead of the Consent Reporting Form. For purposes of awarding extra credit, student researchers must still keep track of participants. Please discuss the method that you will use to document participation in your study, with your research supervisor.
Remember to collect participation information and enter it into a spreadsheet after each session.
After Collecting Data
Once data collection is completed, student researchers should notify the Psyhological Sciences Department Associate that the study is complete and provide the total number of participants. Submit the Student Research Completion Form once you are ready to start analyzing your data. If participants are able to receive extra credit for participating in your study continue with the steps below.
Extra Credit
After your study is complete, compile a list of all participants in your study using your sign-up information from your sessions in a spreadsheet. Ideally, you have been entering the participants in a spreadsheet after each session.
You'll need to include the following fields in your spreadsheet:
- Column 1: Participant Last Name
- Column 2: Particpant First Name
- Column 3: Participant Email (freddy.falcon@my.uwrf.edu)
- Column 4: Course Information for Extra Credit (DEPT XXX-XX Course Name, Instructor)
- Column 5: Your Study Name
Once you have compeleted the participant spreadsheet email the document as an attachment to the Psychological Sciences Department Associate.