Guitar 2024

Music Program

Music Education

Thank you for visiting the UW-River Falls Music Education page. Please take a look around to learn about our MUED program, including our revamped Bachelor of Music Education degree, NAfME Collegiate events, and more! 

Contact Dr. Paul Budde for more info or to schedule a visit. 


UW-River Falls Students Receive Honors


Buchmann Gaarder 2024Congratulations to UW-River Falls Music Education major Mark Buchmann, who is one of two recipients for the 2024 Wisconsin Music Educator Association (WMEA) Richard G. Gaarder Award. This annual award recognizes Wisconsin undergraduate music education students who have shown exceptional leadership, musical excellence, and service to campus and community. Way to go, Mark!!

Mark joins Cassidy DeWitt, who was one of two 2023 Richard G. Gaarder Award recipients, Robyn Pfeifer, who was one of two 2022 Richard G. Gaarder Award recipients, as well as Marissa Woletz (Altendorfer), who was the 2020 Richard G. Gaarder Award recipient and also received the 2020 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Collegiate Professional Achievement Award and the 2020 NAfME Shannon Kelly Kane Scholarship

Congratulations to all - we couldn't be more proud of you! 

Drew Olson 2024Please help us to congratulate Drew Olson, who took 3rd Place in The American Prize in Instrumental Performance, 2024 - college/university division. Drew, a tuba player, is a fourth-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Music Education degree at UW-River Falls. Congratulations, Drew! 

As stated on their website, The American Prize National Nonprofit Competitions in the Performing Arts is the nation's most comprehensive series of contests in the performing arts. The American Prize is unique in scope and structure, designed to recognize and reward the best performing artists, directors, ensembles and composers in the United States at professional, college/university, community and high school levels, based on submitted recordings. 

2024 Chancellors Award - Buchmann

Ten UWRF students have been selected to receive the 2024 Chancellor's Award for Students - including our very own Mark Buchmann, a music education major at UW-River Falls. The Chancellor's Award for Students is the highest non-academic honor our students can receive. It recognizes students who have shown distinguished leadership and service while on campus. 

Congratulations, to Mark - and all recipients of this prestigious award!!!  

Bachelor of Music Education - Exciting Changes! 

2022 - Course ListsAt UWRF, we rebuilt our music Bachelor of Music Education degree from the ground up. The result is a forward-thinking, holistic, interconnected, and student-centered degree that is designed to help the teachers of tomorrow change the world. 

  • PK-12 certification for ALL music areas 
  • 130 total credits to degree
  • Innovative course offerings and opportunities 
  • Four total years to completion (including student teaching)

Click on the dropdowns below to learn more! 

Imagine, if you will, a music education degree that:

  • prepares future educators to teach music to PK-12 students across all music disciplines and in any setting
  • provides specialized courses and learning opportunities for those interested in teaching choral, instrumental, and classroom music
  • encourages teaching candidates to develop their own unique musical interests and passion points 
  • explores contemporary approaches, including online teaching and learning, modern music, and more
  • celebrates music traditions from around the world
  • cultivates and engages in musical creativity
  • fosters student-centered approaches to music education that support and empower the students being served
  • develops leadership skills - both on campus and within the classrooms of partnering schools
  • features purposely-sequenced and interconnected coursework

Now, imagine all of this being possible in four years. 


Our revised degree plan at UWRF is all this and more. To learn more, check out our YouTube video (below). In addition, click on the dropdown below to view required course lists as well as recommended course sequences for choral and instrumental emphases.

Bachelor of Music Education - YouTube Overview 


Degree Summary - 130 total credits

  1. Foundations & Core Courses - Music (40 credits) 
  2. Techniques Courses - Music (4 credits) 
  3. Applied Music Courses (9 credits) 
  4. Ensembles (10 credits) 
  5. Music Education Courses (15 credits) 
  6. Professional Education Courses (24 credits)

Degree Requirements
Bachelor of Music Education

Singular Degree - Plus Areas of Emphases

Although the Bachelor of Music Education is a singular degree that leads to certification for ALL music (PK-12), students have the option to focus on a Choral or Instrumental emphasis throughout their studies. Click on the links below to see required coures lists and recommended course sequences within each area of emphasis. 

Bachelor of Music Eduation - Choral Emphasis

Required Course List - Choral 

Recommended Course Sequence - Choral
Bachelor of Music Eduation - Instrumental Emphasis

Required Course List - Instrumental 

Recommended Course Sequence - Instrumental

2024-2025 Music Education Events  

We have a terrific lineup of events for the 2024-2025 adacemic year.

Click below for the full schedule - and please join us if you're able! 

  • September 7 - Fall Workshop - 12:00 - 4:00 PM - Orff Workshop (KFA B94 and KFA 129)
  • September 7 - Fall Picnic - 4:00 - 6:30 PM (KFA Outdoor Classroom)
  • September 19 - NAfME Collegiate Meeting - 7:00 - 8:00 PM (KFA B94) - NAfME Overview & Group Photo
  • September 20 - Campfire - 6-8 PM 
  • October 15 - Hudson High School Band Concert - 7:00 PM
  • October 17 - River Falls High School Choir Concert - 7:00 PM 
  • October 23-26 - Wisconsin State Music Conference (Madison, WI) - register by September 15 for the early-bird discount 
  • November 12 - NAfME Collegiate Meeting - 7:00 - 8:00 PM (KFA B94)
  • February 13-15 - Minnesota Midwinter Convention (Minneapolis, MN) - register by December 1 for the early-bird discount 
  • May 12 - Music Program Spring Picnic - 4:00 - 8:00 PM (Location TBD)

Calendar Updates 

Scan the QR code below to subscribe to our MUED Events Calendar (auto-updates as events are added or updated)

   MUED Events QR Code

NAfME Collegiate 

Please visit our NAfME Collegiate page for info about meetings and events. We have a terrific lineup of guests for the 2023-2024 academic year. Please join us - we'd love to learn and grow with you!

NAfME Collegiate

NAfME Fall Picnic 2022

Questions? Contact Dr. Paul Budde for more information. 

Senior Capstone Recitals - Fall 2024


Drew Olson - Senior Recital Poster

Join the Falcon Family

Interested in studying music education? Visit our Prospective Students page to learn more - and to register for a Music Major Entrance Expo! 

Prospective Students Page

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Music Department