Funding Sources

Falcon Travel Grant (FTG)

The Falcon Travel Grant competition is intended to support URSCA student travel to professional conferences or events. Funds may be used for travel expenses such as conference registration, lodging and transportation. Applications in either the individual or group categories are welcome from all UWRF colleges and disciplines. Grant applications should be student-authored, with supervision and guidance from the faculty mentor throughout the pre- and post-award process.


 We will still be accepting applications for in-person events.  For more questions regarding travel policies please visit .

For URSCA students who are included in the conference program as presenting authors or displaying their original URSCA projects at a professional conference or event. 

  • Individual:  eligible for up to $1,600
  • Group (i.e. A group of URSCA students working together on one project): eligible for funding with shared accommodations and travel arrangements.

For URSCA students who are included in the conference program as participating or performing at a professional conference or event as a professional development opportunity. 

  • Individual: eligible for up to $500
  • Group (i.e. As group of URSCA students participating or performing as a group at the same conference or event): eligible for funding with shared accommodations and travel arrangements.

For URSCA students who are attending a conference or event as a professional development opportunity

  • Individual: eligible for up to $500
  • Group (i.e. A group of URSCA students traveling together to attend the same conference or event): eligible for funding with shared accommodations and travel arrangements. 

Additional Information 

  • It is expected that students traveling as a group will share lodging, transportation, etc. to reduce cost.
  • Individuals presenting at the same conference are also expected to share lodging, transportation, etc. to reduce cost.
  • Undergraduates are eligible to receive funding for travel to one discipline-specific conference a year. In addition to eligibility for travel to one discipline-specific conference or event, URSCA students are also eligible and encouraged to apply for funding to present at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). (Funding for UWRF students who wish to travel to NCUR is handled separately, in February, after acceptances have been announced.)  
  • Undergraduates receiving a Falcon Travel Grant must be currently enrolled at the time of travel.
  • Students funded through Falcon Travel Grants to present/display their URSCA projects are required to also showcase their work on the UWRF campus at the Fall Gala. As an alternative in spring semester for graduating seniors, they may present at the UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity.
  • All travel arrangements and reimbursements must adhere to UW-System travel policies found at Note that per campus guidelines for differential tuition funds, the Falcon Travel Grant cannot be used to purchase food or beverages.
  • Falcon Travel Grants do not cover cost of dissemination materials (i.e. poster printing).
  • Applications are submitted
  • Applications are reviewed by SURSCA 
    • Email us to learn how to join and review grants!
  • Reward letters are sent out via email after six-eight weeks of application deadline
  • Sudents must accept or decline grant
  • If accepted, please take a look at URSCA Forms about how to get reimburse after the event has occured

COVID-19 Reference Guide 

For the full guide, click here

  • See University Sponsored Off-Campus Activities website for operational details.
  •  Limited exceptions may be considered for activities such as class trips (field trips or field work) that do not involve leaving our immediate vicinity (e.g. not interacting with other institutions and entities.)
  • Requests for student travel outside of classes, such as a student organization wanting to travel on a weekend or weeknight, is to be expected. All are encouraged to avoid such travel to the extent possible in order to help limit the possible spread of COVID-19.


Pierce County Public Health recommendations regarding travel of residents should be considered applicable guidance for all employees of UW-River Falls, given that the campus is under the jurisdiction of Pierce County, regardless of an employee’s specific work location. These recommendations are also to be considered a good practice for all citizens, regardless of their location or residence.

Pierce County Public Health Advisory: Residents are strongly encouraged to avoid non-essential travel outside their communities.

  • Residents are allowed to travel to work or to take care of dependents.
  • Residents who travel to the Twin Cities for work must be cautious and monitor themselves for symptoms.
  • If a Pierce County resident does travel outside their community and engages in activities that compromise physical distancing, they should limit contact with non-household members for 14 days and monitor symptoms closely.

You travel with your immediate family unit up to the cabin up north and spend the weekend together. You do not grocery shop up north because you took all your groceries with you from your home area. You go hiking or camping in the woods and are not in close contact with people at a resort. There are no other family joining from other locations. You are just hunkered down for the weekend with your regular household members. You have no contacts for longer than 15-minutes with any other individuals where you are not safely distanced with face coverings worn by all.

You meet up with distant family or friends that are not part of your household unit. You sit close together all evening in an enclosed space without face coverings or proper physical distancing. You visit water parks, bars and restaurants without wearing face coverings and are in close contact with multiple strangers for extended periods of time.


Terms and Conditions



 Round 1 Application:



Round 1 FTG Review:CLOSED



Sample Proposals

Find sample Falcon Travel Grant proposals below - two group and one individual proposal.  SURSCA has provided these strong examples to assist future grant writers.

Individual Presenting (sample) - Physics

Group Presenting (sample) - Psychology

Group Attending (sample) - Music
