Canceled due to Covid
Our 2023 banquet has been CANCELED.
The department newsletter will be emailed and posted online by early April.
Parking & directionsParking is available in Pay 2 Lot (south of University Center). A permit may be purchased at the parking lot pay station.
Canceled due to Covid
Friday, Apr. 19
Keynote speaker: Dr. Samuel Gale, Adjunct Instructor of History, UWRF
Topic: Escaping Jack Johnson’s Shadow: Race & Sports in the 20th Century U.S.
Friday, Apr. 20
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Christopher Simer, Adjunct Instructor, UWRF
Topic: "20 Million Gas Masks: Britain and the Fear of the Bomber, 1919-1939"
Friday, Apr. 28
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ryan Fischer, Visiting Assistant Professor of History, UWRF
Topic: "Cattle Colonialism: The Hide and Tallow Trade and the Making of the Trans-Pacific West"
Friday, Apr. 29
UC Ballroom
Keynote Speaker: Kurt Leichtle, Professor Emeritus of History, UWRF
Topic: "Boy Scouts: The Complexity of Creating a Symbolic Icon"
About Dr. Leichtle
Event photos (
Friday, May 1
UC Ballroom
Keynote Speaker: Robert Entenmann, Professor of History, St. Olaf College
Topic: "The Indigenization of Christianity in Late Imperial China: Chinese Catholic Priests Between Two Worlds"
We are so grateful to all who have contributed to our Foundation funds over the years!
Gifts to the History Department Foundation fund, in particular, have enabled more students to attend the banquet by holding the student ticket price to an affordable rate, even as costs rise.
We are truly fortunate to have such dedicated and enthusiastic alumni and friends!