
TESOL Graduate Book Requirements

ENGL 520 - The Structure of English (by special arrangement)

ENGL 521 - The English Language: History and Culture

  • Millward, A Biography of the English language, 3rd ed. Wadsworth, 2011. 
  • Bryson, The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way. Perennial, 2001.

ENGL 522 - Acquisition of Language

  • Saville-Troike, M. Introducing Second Language Acquisition, from Cambridge University Press.
  • PDF files from VanPatten, B. From Input to Output; A Teacher's Guide to Second Language Acquisition, from McGraw-Hill.

ENGL 551 - Pronunciation in Language Learning and Teaching

  • Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D.M., Goodwin, J.M. (2010). Teaching Pronunciation; A Course Book and Reference Guide. Cambridge University Press. (Available at the Textbook Library for undergraduate students) 
  • Grant, L. (2014). Pronunciation Myths; Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching, pp. 34-55, 56-79, 107-136, and 137-159. (PDF copies available in Canvas)

ENGL 560 - Theory & Methods of TESOL

  • Brown, H. D., & Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy (4th ed.). Pearson. (new book)

ENGL 573 - Techniques in Tutoring: TESOL Practicum

  • Dalle and Young, PACE Yourself: A Handbook for ESL Tutors, TESOL, 2003. 
  • Other readings provided by PDF

ENGL 620 Pedagogical Grammar

  • DeCapua, A. (2016). Grammar for teachers: A guide to American English for native and nonnative speakers (2nd ed.). Springer.

ENGL 650 - Non-Native Speakers in the Midwest

  • Wright, W. E. (2019). Foundations for teaching English language learners: Research, theory, policy, and practice (3rd ed.). Caslon Publishing.
  • Freeman, D. E., Freeman, Y. S., & Soto, M. (2021). Between worlds: Second language acquisition in changing times (4th ed.). Heinemann

ENGL 675 - Assessment and Testing in TESOL

  • Brown, J. D. (2005). Testing in Language Programs: A Comprehensive Guide to English Language Assessment. NY: McGraw-Hill. (Available as PDF files in Canvas) 
  • Fulcher, G. (2003). Testing Second Language Speaking. London: Pearson Longman.

TESL 701 - Reading and Writing TESOL Research

  • Mackey, A. (Ed.) (2007). Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford University Press. 
  • Brown, J.D. & Rodgers, T.S. (2002). Doing Second Language Research. Oxford University Press.
  • Recommended Reading:
    Brown, J.D. (1989). Understanding Research in Second Language Learning (any edition). Cambridge University Press. 

ESL 720 - Educational Linguistics

  • David E. Freeman and Yvonne S. Freeman. Essential Linguistics: What You Need to Know to Teach Reading, ESL, Spelling, Phonics, and Grammar. Heinemann, 2003.
  • Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk. A Student's Grammar of the English Language. Longman, 1990.
  • Anthony Cowie. Semantics. OUP, 2009.
  • George Yule. Pragmatics. OUP, 1996.

TESL 763 - Words, Meaning, and Vocabulary Teaching

  • Harley, Heidi. English Words: A Linguistic Introduction. Blackwell, 2006.
  • Howard Jackson and Etienne Zé Amvela. Words, Meaning and Vocabulary: An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology. 2nd ed. Continuum International, 2007.
  • Michael F. Graves, Diane August and Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez. Teaching Vocabulary to English Language Learners. Teachers College Press, 2012.

TESL 765 - Language & Culture

  • Deutscher, G. (2010). Through the Language Glass; Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages. NY: Picador.
  • Kendi, I.X. (2019). How to be an Antiracist. NY: Random House.

TESL 767 - Teaching ESOL Reading

  • Lems, Miller, and Soro – Teaching Reading to English Language Learners.
  • Mikulecky – A Short Course in Teaching Reading Skills.
  • Schlosser and Wilson, Chew on This.

TESL 769 - Developing Discourse and Pragmatics Teaching Materials

  • Joan Cutting. Pragmatics: A Resource Book for Students. 3rd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2015.
  • Rodney H. Jones. Discourse Analysis: A Resource Book for Students. London and New York: Routledge, 2012.

NOTE: The required book list is subject to change in order to meet the evolving conditions of research, new discoveries and understanding in the field, and the instructor's apptempts to keep course content as state-of-the-art as possible.  Students are encouraged to contact the instructors prior to the start of the semester if they have questions about the books required.

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English Department
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
245 Kleinpell Fine Arts

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