Students must first qualify for the test-out option in order to attempt the test-out process.
The test-out option for English 200 does not involve taking an exam. It involves the successful completion of both a research project and an annotated bibliography.
The English 200 test-out option is only available during the fall semester.
The opportunity to attempt the test-out option for English 200 is limited (See Process and Limitations).
Students must follow the English Department’s approved process for the test-out option for English 200.
The test-out option for English 200 is not required. Students may choose instead to take a regular section of English 200.
Qualifications for the English 200 Test-Out Option
Students must meet or exceed the qualifying English Placement Test score of 670 OR students must meet or exceed the qualifying Advanced Placement in Language and Composition test score to qualify for the test-out option for English 200.
Pass/Fail Outcomes
Qualified students may bypass attending a traditional section of English 200 through successful completion of a research project and an annotated bibliography assignment. If a student “passes” BOTH of these items, they will receive 3 credits and a grade of “A” for English 100 and the requirement to take English 200 will be waived. If the student “fails” BOTH or EITHER of the projects (including a fail for non-submission or late submission), they will not receive credit for English 100 or English 200 and will be required to take a regular section of English 200 in a subsequent semester.
Process and Limitations
Students planning to take the test-out for English 200 must make application to the instructor who will be teaching the course no later than the fifth week of the term in which the English 200 test-out section is offered (Fall only).
Students must be enrolled for other courses when participating in the test-out option for English 200.
Students may not choose the test-out option for English 200 if they have taken the English 200 course, if they have taken the English 200 course and withdrawn, or if they are currently enrolled in the English 200 course.
Students may not choose the test-out option for English 200 if they have taken higher-level courses than English 200, including 200-level English courses that require English 200 as a pre-requisite, all 300-level English courses, and all 400-level English courses.
Students may not take the test-out option for English 200 after they have successfully completed 60 or more course credits. *
Students are not allowed to attempt the test-out option for English 200 more than once.
English Department
Director of Written Communication
Dr. Erik Kline