
English Minors

The Creative Writing minor is a preparation for writing for personal pleasure as well as for publication. This minor can be taken in combination with an English major.

Creative Writing Minor
24 credits

Required Courses 12 credits
ENGL 251 Advanced Composition
ENGL 253 Introduction to Literary Studies
ENGL 262 Creative Writing
ENGL 368 Writing Poetry
ENGL 369 Writing Fiction
ENGL 382 Writing Workshop Poetry & Prose

Directed Electives 12 credits
Select two courses from the following

ENGL 370 Writing Nonfiction
ENGL 381  Screenwriting

Select one genre course
ENGL 230 International Short Fiction (g)
ENGL 231 The Short Story
ENGL 232 Contemporary Drama
ENGL 233 Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 234 Modern Novels


This minor can only be taken with an Education major.

English Language Arts Minor

24 Credits

Area 1 - Writing: 3 credits
ENGL 251   Advanced Composition
ENGL 262   Creative Writing

Area 2 - Reading and Interpretation: 12 credits
ENGL 106   Introduction to Literature: Fiction, Poetry, Drama
ENGL 230   International Short Fiction
ENGL 233   Introduction to Poetry
ENGL 355   Literature-Based Reading Methods for Adolescents

Area 3 - Language and Composition: 9 credits
ENGL 220   Structure of English
ENGL 322   Acquisition of Language
ENGL 361   Composition Theory

Required Supporting Courses
ENGL 250   Children's Literature
TED 310   Techniques in Elementary Education: Language Arts
TED 316   Developmental Reading
TED 317   Reading Practicum

The English Literature minor prepares students to be broadly educated, culturally and historically, and skilled in thinking critically, researching, and writing. The degree prepares students for jobs in business, government and nonprofit organizations, journalism, and publishing.

English Literature Minor
24 credits

Required courses: 18 cr. hrs.
ENGL 251 Advanced Composition 3 cr.
ENGL 253 Introduction to Literary Studies 3 cr.
ENGL 321 The English Language: History and Culture 3 cr.
ENGL 335 Shakespeare 3 cr.
Select one American survey course*
ENGL 324 Survey of American Literature I, Origins-1900 3 cr.
ENGL 325 Survey of American Literature II, 1900-1980 3 cr.
Select one British survey course*
ENGL 331 Survey of English Literature I, 650-1800 3 cr.
ENGL 332 Survey of English Literature II, 1800-Present 3 cr.
*One survey course must cover the period before 1800.

Directed Electives: 6 cr. hrs.
Select one genre course: 3 cr. hrs.

ENGL 230 International Short Fiction 3 cr.
ENGL 231 The Short Story 3 cr.
ENGL 232 Contemporary Drama 3 cr.
ENGL 233 Introduction to Poetry 3 cr.
ENGL 234 Modern Novels 3 cr.
ENGL 444 Major Authors 3 cr.

Select one period course, English, American or International: 3 cr. hrs.
ENGL 341 European Literature (19th Century) 3 cr.
ENGL 422 Renaissance Drama 3 cr.
ENGL 423 17th Century Prose and Poetry 3 cr.
ENGL 426 Victorian Literature 3 cr.
ENGL 427 Modern British Literature: 1890-1940 3 cr.
ENGL 428 Modern British Literature: 1940-Present 3 cr.
ENGL 429 American Renaissance 3 cr.
ENGL 430 American Realism 3 cr.
ENGL 431 Modern American Fiction 3 cr.
ENGL 432 Contemporary American Literature 3 cr.
ENGL 441 Twentieth-Century International Literature 3 cr.

The Professional Writing minor prepares students to write for business, industry, and government.  In addition to English courses, students take options ranging from graphic design to desktop publishing.  This minor can be taken in combination with an English major. 

Professional Writing Minor
24 credits

Required Courses: 18 credits
ENGL 262 Creative Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 266 Business Writing or ENGL 367 Technical Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 270 Visual Rhetoric: Document Design and Graphics 3 cr.
ENGL 371 Proposal Writing: Change through Rhetoric 3 cr.
ENGL 374 Cyberliteracy and Writing on the Web 3 cr.
ENGL 387 Technical and Professional Editing 3 cr.

Directed Electives: 6 credits
ENGL 220 Structure of English 3 cr.
ENGL 251 Advanced Composition 3 cr.
ENGL 266 Business Writing or ENGL 367 Technical Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 362 Into to Rhetorical Studies 3 cr.
ENGL 370 Nonfiction Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 372 Practicum: Peer Tutoring and Writing Instruction 3 cr.
ENGL 379 Internship 3 cr.
ENGL 381 Screenwriting 3 cr.
ENGL 389 Topics course in Rhetoric (Environmental Rhetoric, Contemporary Rhetoric) 3 cr.
ENGL 467 Advanced Technical Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 494 Senior Seminar in Professional Writing 3 cr.
JOUR 224 Online Media Production 2 cr.
JOUR 269 Multimedia Storytelling 3 cr.
JOUR 360 Opinion Writing 3 cr.
MARC 311 Persuasion 3 cr.
MARC 360 Marketing Communications 3 cr.
SASA 261 Electronic Media and Copywriting 3 cr.
SASA 460 Collaborative Filmmaking 3 cr.

Department of English

245 Kleinpell Fine Arts

Catherine Nasara (Chair), Mark Brenden, Greta Gaard, Eunjee Jang, Erik Kline, Mialisa Moline, Michelle Parkinson, Joseph Rein, Elizabeth Schneider, Douglas Margolis

“Beyond practicums, field experiences and internships, my English courses have emphasized vital hands-on learning. As part of a course on cyberliteracy, I created my own website and a blog spanning a whole semester. A course on business writing pushed me to write and research full proposals and respond to customer complaints. Both courses covered important theories, but they also required me to apply those theories to real-world communications. As such, I feel much more prepared entering the workforce.”

– Grace Shade, English Education major and double English major (literature and professional writing emphasis)

Contact Us

English Department
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
241A Kleinpell Fine Arts

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