Required Courses: 54 cr. hrs.
SOWK 150 Introduction to Social Work Services 3 cr.
SOWK 205 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare 3 cr.
SOWK 215 Human Behavior and Social Environment 3 cr.
SOWK 250 Use, Abuse, and Addiction 3 cr.
SOWK 300 Research Methods 3 cr.
SOWK 324 Theory and Practice of Social Work I 3 cr.
SOWK 325 Theory and Practice of Social Work II 3 cr.
SOWK 350 Social Welfare Policy 3 cr.
SOWK 389 Special Topics in Social Work (2) 6 cr.
SOWK 424 Advanced Interviewing and Crisis Intervention 3 cr.
SOWK 426 Theory and Practice Of Social Work III 3 cr.
SOWK 472 Social Work Field Instruction (2) 12 cr.
SOWK 480 Senior Integrative Seminar 3 cr.
SOWK 481 Integrating Practice and Research 3 cr.
Required Supporting Courses: 6 cr. hrs.
SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology 3 cr.
SOWK 260 Practice with Diverse Populations 3 cr.
Directed Electives: 3 cr. hrs.
SOCI 218 Deviant Behavior 3 cr.
SOCI 221 Global Perspectives on Women 3 cr.
SOCI 323 Sociology of the Family 3 cr.
SOCI 338 Global Perspectives on Health and Disease 3 cr.
SOCI 341 Sociology of Later Life
SOCI 435 Social and Cultural Change 3 cr.
SOCI 445 Power and Inequality 3 cr.
CJ 202 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 cr.
CJ 320 Juvenile Delinquency 3 cr.
CJ 322 Criminology 3 cr.
CJ 430 Trends and Issues in Incarceration 3 cr.
COMS 206 Family Communication 3 cr.
COMS 207 Listening Skills 3 cr.
COMS 208 Problem Solving in Small Group Communication 3 cr.
COMS 318 Communication and Leadership 3 cr.
PSYC 236 Developmental Psychology: childhood and Adolescence 3 cr.
SPED 330 The Exceptional Child 3 cr.
PSYC 336 Developmental Psychology: Adulthood and Aging 3 cr.
PSYC 365 Individual and Group Processes 3 cr.
SPED 421 Developmental Disabilities 3 cr.
POLS 225 Introduction to Public Administration 3 cr.
POLS 253 State and Local Politics 3 cr.
POLS 256 Public Policymaking 3 cr.
HIST 310 History of American Political Thought 3 cr.
WGST 200 Introduction to Women’s Studies 3 cr.
INTS 200 Introduction to International Studies 3 cr.
203 Walker Wyman Education
Tammy Kincaid–Program Director; Courtney Wells-Director of Field Instruction
As listed with the following exceptions:
Social and Behavioral Science: 8-9 cr. hrs.
ECON 100, POLS 114, PSYC 101 required as supporting courses.
Sciences: 8-9 cr. hrs.
BIOL 100(L), BIOL 150(L) or BIOL 101 required as supporting course.
Mathematics: 3 cr. hrs.
PSYC 201 or MATH 226 required as supporting course.
Liberal Arts, follows BS Liberal Arts Degree: 10-12 cr. hrs.
BIOL 253 required as a supporting course.