General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements Fall 2005 - Spring 2014

For a full description of the Goals and Objectives including revisions, refer to the Faculty Senate General Education Goals, Criteria and Outcomes.

Approved Courses

GOAL ONE: COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY: Students will demonstrate the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively.

CW (Communication - Reading and Writing) - select one course

  • ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing (3)
  • ENGL 101 Freshman English for International Students I (3)

CS (Communication - Speaking and Listening) - select one course

CA (Advanced Communication) - select one course

  • ENGL 200 Investigating Ideas: Reading, Writing, & the Disciplines (3)
  • ENGL 201 Freshman English for International Students II (3)

GOAL TWO: DEMONSTRATE KNOWLEDGE OF PAST AND PRESENT HUMAN ENDEAVOR: Describe the diverse ways of thinking that underlie the search for knowledge in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.

SB (Social and Behavioral Sciences) - select two courses (Courses taken under both SB and HF designators must be from different disciplinary prefixes)

  • ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology (3)
  • ECON 100 Modern Economics (3)
  • ECON 150 International Economics Issues (3)
  • ESM 107 Planning for a Sustainable Society (3)
  • GEOG 120 Human Geography (3)
  • HIST 100 Defining Theses in U.S. History (3)
  • HIST 101 Origins of Civilization (3)
  • HIST 102 History of the Modern World, 1500-Present (3)
  • HIST 201 Introduction to Asian Civilization (3)
  • HIST 333 Silk, Spices, and Silver: The Making of the Global Exchange System to 1700 (g) (3)
  • HIST 336 Traditional East Asia, Prehistory-1800 (g) (3)
  • INTS 200 Introduction to International Studies (g) (3)
  • MNGT 250 Global Business & Society (3)
  • POLS 110 Controversies in Politics (3)
  • POLS 114 American Government and Politics (3)
  • POLS 220/JOUR 220 Introduction to Public Opinion and Political Behavior (3)
  • POLS 245 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
  • POLS 260 Introduction to International Relations (3)
  • PSYC 101 General Psychology (3)
  • SOCI 100 Introduction to Sociology (3)

HF (Humanities and Fine Arts) – select two courses (Courses taken under both SB and HF designators must be from different disciplinary prefixes)

GOAL THREE: APPLY SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES TO THE NATURAL WORLD: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the principles and methods of quantitative and qualitative scientific reasoning.

M (Mathematics) - select one course

SL (Scientific Investigation) - select one course (but can take two courses and skip S) (The courses taken under the SL and S designators must be from different disciplinary prefixes)

*these classes must be taken with the corresponding lecture class and change the designator from S to SL

S (Sciences) – select at least one course (if only taking one SL course) (The courses taken under the SL and S designators must be from different disciplinary prefixes)

GOAL FOUR: ENGAGE IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY INQUIRY: Students will analyze questions and issues from multidisciplinary perspectives.

GOAL FIVE: EVALUATE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SELF, SOCIETY, AND THE WORLD: Students will make and defend judgments with respect to individual conduct and well being, citizenship, and stewardship of the environment.

HW (Personal Health and Wellness) - select 3 courses

  • P E  108 Health and Fitness for Life (required) (1) 
  • HEAL 269 Wellness (3)
  • PE 2 activity courses (select two activity courses) (.5 credit)

EC (Ethical Citizenship) – select one course

  • ANSC 115 Animal Welfare (3)
  • CRIM 130 Introduction to Crime, Law, and Society (3)
  • CSIS 120 Technology and Cyberspace: Ethics and Issues (3)
  • ENGL 205 Literature of War:Culture and Ethics (3)
  • ENGL 228 Literature of Environmental Justice (3)
  • ENGL 230 International Short Story (3)
  • ENGL 310 U.S. Environmental Literature (3)
  • ENGL 313 The Rhetorical Narrative of (Dis)ability (3)
  • ENGL 374 Cyberliteracy and Writing on the Web (3)
  • ESM 105 Introduction to Environmental Studies (3)
  • FINC 210 Personal Finance (3)
  • GEOL 269 Environmental Geology (3)
  • JOUR 101 Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
  • MNGT 250 Global Business and Society (3)
  • PHIL 201 Human Nature, Ethics and the Natural World (3)
  • PHIL 220 Bioethics (3)
  • PHIL 224 Existentialism (3)
  • PHIL 304 Business Ethics (3)
  • PLSC 120 Plants and Society (3)
  • POLS 114 American Government and Politics (3)
  • POLS 230 Introduction to Political Philosophy and Ideology (3)
  • SOWK 150 Introduction to Social Work (3)
  • TED 326 Place-Based Science for Early Childhood Educators (3)
  • THEA 110 Sustainability from the Perspective of the Arts (3)

UWRF General Education Mission Statement

The purpose of the UWRF General Education program is to facilitate the acquisition and integration of knowledge, abilities, and ethics in order to form a foundation for lifelong learning.

The interdisciplinary foundation includes the ability to communicate effectively; to demonstrate knowledge of past and present human endeavor; apply scientific principles to the human and natural world; engage in multidisciplinary inquiry; and to evaluate individual responsibility to self, society, and the world.

To accomplish this mission there are five goals with one to three designators to each of the goals, with a certain number of credits attached.  The goals are outlined below with the approved courses.  

The total number of credits needed to complete the general education program is 38.

Courses that are listed in two designations will only count in one area. (e.g. ART/PHIL 310 is listed as being approved as HF and MD, however it will only count in one area, either HF or MD).

(No general education class can double count as a requirement in a first major. But a general education course can be counted as a 'required supporting course' in the major. Up to two courses (generally 6 credits) can be double counted as credits towards a minor, a second major or a broad area or comprehensive major.)