Biotechnology Core Courses
AFES 222 Introduction to Biotechnology 2 cr.
BIOL 150 General Biology 3 cr.
or BIOL 160 General Biology Freshman Research Focus 4 cr.
BIOL 240 Cell and Molecular Biology 3 cr.
BIOL 324 Microbiology 4 cr.
BIOL 350 Genetics and Evolution (writing intensive) 3 cr.
or ANSC 257 Genetics 3 cr.
BIOL 451 Molecular Biology 4 cr.
BIOT 380 Junior Seminar 1 cr.
BIOT 480 Biotech Seminar 1 cr.
Chemistry Core Courses
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I 4 cr. and CHEM 116 General Chemistry Laboratory I 1cr.
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II 4 cr. and CHEM 117 General Chemistry Laboratory II 1cr.
CHEM 231 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr.
CHEM 232 Organic Chemistry II 3 cr.
CHEM 236 Organic Chemistry Lab I 1 cr.
CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry Lab II 1 cr.
CHEM 261 Laboratory Safety 2cr.
CHEM 355 Separation Science Laboratory 1 cr.
CHEM 361 Biochemistry I 3 cr.
CHEM 362 Biochemistry II 3 cr.
CHEM 366 Biochemistry Lab 1 cr.
Required Supporting Courses: Select two courses from the following
MATH 231Biostatistics 3 cr.
or ANSC 341 Biometrics 3 cr.
PHIL 220 Bioethics 3 cr.
Required Supporting Courses: Physics
Either sequence A or B below:
A. PHYS 121 Algebra-Based Physics I 5 cr.
PHYS 122 Algebra-Based Physics II 5 cr.
B. PHYS 131 Calculus-Based Physics I 5cr.
PHYS 132 Calculus-Based Physics II 5 cr.
Required Supporting Courses: Cell Culturing
BIOL 365 Cancer Biology 3cr.
BIOL 463 Animal Cell Culture 3 cr.
BIOL 464 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 3 cr.
HORT 369 Plant Tissue Culture 3 cr.
Biotechnology Electives: Need 15 credits from the following list.
ANSC 260 Animal Physiology 3 cr.
ANSC 433 Advanced Nutrition 3 cr.
ANSC 447 Endocrinology cr.
ANSC 448 Physiology of Reproduction 3 cr.
ANSC 449 Artificial Insemination 1 cr.
BIOL 195 Freshman Research Experience 3 cr.
BIOL 305 Applications in Molecular Biology 3 cr.
BIOL 314 Plant Pathology 3 cr.
BIOL 320 Plant Physiology cr.
BIOL 325 Medical Microbiology
BIOL 345 Immunology 3cr.
BIOL 351 Epigenetics 3 cr.
BIOL 352 Applied Genomics cr.
BIOL 353 Histology 4 cr.
BIOL 356 Neurobiology 3 cr.
BIOL 364 Developmental Biology 3 cr.
BIOL 453 Virology cr.
BIOL 463 Animal Cell Culture 3 cr.
BIOL 464 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine cr.
BIOT 295 Introduction to Undergraduate Research 1 cr.
BIOT 373 Introduction to Bioinformatics cr.
or CIDS 373 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3 cr.
BIOT 379 Biotechnology Internship 1-4 cr.
BIOT 495 Undergraduate Research 1-3 cr.
CHEM 250 Foundations of Analytical Chemistry 4 cr.
CHEM 356 Chemical Instrumentation Lab cr.
CHEM 461 Pharmacology cr.
COMS 318 Communication & Leadership 3 cr.
CROP 345 Weed Control 3 cr.
CROP 410 Plant Breeding & Crop Improvement 3 cr.
CROP 435 Crop Physiology 4 cr.
CROP 451 Integrated Pest Management 3 cr.
ENGL 266 Business Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 367 Technical Writing 3 cr.
ENGL 371 Proposal Writing: Change Through Rhetoric 3 cr.
ESM 412 Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment 3 cr.
ESM 413 Environmental Analysis 4 cr.
HORT 200 Plant Propagation 3 cr.
HORT 369 Plant Tissue Culture 3 cr.
HORT 420 Floriculture 4 cr.
MATH 166 Calculus I 4 cr.
221 Centennial Science Hall
Lisa Kroutil- Department Chair
Ross Jilk-Director
The Biotechnology major is an interdisciplinary program that is focused on the molecular basis of life processes and the techniques utilized to both study and control these processes under in vivo and in vitro conditions. The Biotechnology curriculum draws upon the expertise and course offerings of the participating departments: Biology, Chemistry, Animal and Food Science, and Plant and Earth Science. The Biotechnology major is designed to provide those students who are interested in pursuing careers at the interface of biology and chemistry with the academic background required to either secure entry level positions in the biotechnology industry or to continue their education in graduate or professional schools.
BA and BS Liberal Arts majors as listed.
BS Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences majors as listed.
Courses in the major or required supporting courses may be double counted to satisfy the General Education science requirements. Therefore, the total General Education credit hour requirement is reduced by the courses that can be double-counted.