Years of Service and Retirements


Years of Service 2015

40 Years
Gary Eloranta
Nancy Pace  

35 Years
Gloria Davis
Michael Harris
Sheila Hinz
Kevin Hodgson
James Roy
Deborah Wros  

30 Years
Nathan Beeman
Anthony Bredahl
William Connolly
Dennis Cooper
Dawn Crook
Hossein Eftekhari
Thomas Holleran
Joseph Langer
Katrina Larsen
Mark Meydam
Fay Westberg

25 Years
Mark Andrle
Laurence Baumann
Betty Bibeau
Bradley Caskey
Morgan Clifford
Tammy Hinrichs
Michele McKnelly
David Milne
Hossein Najafi
David Trechter
John Walker

20 Years
Patricia Berg
Jeffrey Berkhof
Carolyn Brady
Jennifer Brantley
Juan Chaves
Cindy Holbrook
Brian Huffman
Rose Rude  

15 Years
Gail Anderson
Timothy Buttles
Cheryl Cernohous
Tricia Davis
Sarah Egerstrom
Corinna Fosmo
Elizabeth Gerbec
Erick Highum
David Matz
Joan Mayen
Claire McCarty
Darryl Miller
Tracey Nyeggen
Cara Rubis
Robert Rust
Beatrice Sattler
Wanda Schlesser
Angela Siwik
Barbara Stinson
Mary Tichich
Greg Van De Mark
John Wheeler

10 Years
Anna Antus
Joseph Barbey
Jane Betz
Cheryl Dintemann
Rhonda Finstad
Blake Fry
Greta Gaard
Mark Gillen
Janet Hansen
Rellen Hardtke
Joel Heuschele
Florentine Kelly
Ozcan Kilic
Neil Kraus
Andrew Lacy
Minda Matthys
Mary Miller
Laura Otto
Lisa Owens
Krista Palmquist
Michelle Parkinson
Kristy Paulson
Melissa Perez
Mary Petersen
McKenna Pfieffer
Lisa Pillow
Elizabeth Schneider-Rebozo
Christopher Simer
Thomas Smisek
Alexandru Tupan
Karyn Wells

Retirements 2015

Patricia Berg - Journalism

Patrick Branigan - Building Maintenance

Kelly Cain - Plant and Earth Science / Sustainability

Doreen Cegielski - Animal and Food Science

Morgan Clifford - Art

Marilyn Duerst - Chemistry

Kathryn Ernie - Mathematics

David Furniss - English

LaVonne Halverson - Custodial Services

Thomas Holleran - Teacher Education

Doris Holter - Athletics

Bruce Knegendorf - Residence Life

Judith Kubera - Psychology

Donald Leake - Mathematics

Kurt Leichtle - History and Philosophy

Stephen List - Mathematics

Terrence Mannetter - Modern Language

Richard McNamara - Custodial Services

Dianne Monteith - Chancellor's Office

Carl Popelka - Accounting and Finance

David Rusterholz - Chemistry

Ellen Schultz - College of Business and Economics

Gay Ward - Teacher Education

Karla Zhe - Communication Studies and Theatre Arts