Accounting Services

Meal Expenses and Refreshment Breaks


These regulations are in addition to the existing policies found on the UWSA Travel Website
•    Refreshment Breaks require a minimum meeting time of 4 hours.
•    Lunch breaks require a minimum meeting time of 6 hours and cannot span more than 1 hour.

Additional Requirements for Employee Training Events (including student employees):
•    Training must span 6 hours or more
•    Lunch meal is the only meal allowed(Not breakfast or dinner)

Documentation requirements:
•    Identification of which criteria justify the use of state funds.
•    Documentation of the business purpose of the meeting.
•    List of attendees, indicating whether they are UW employees.
•    Original invoices/receipts showing items purchased and amount to be reimbursed.

Reimbursements that are allowable will be up to the UWSA meal/refreshment maximums per person.                          (see policy 435)

If policy is not followed expenses will need to be paid from Personal Funds.
Exceptions may be granted in advance of the event by the University Controller.


Contact Us

Accounting Services

Office: 220 North Hall

Fax 715-425-0621