Year/Mo. | Visitor | Event Description |
1960 May |
Eleanor Roosevelt |
Speech: "Is America Facing World Leadership," this was the first event in the new R.A. Karges Health and Physical Education and Recreation Center [co-sponsored by Wisconsin State College at River Falls (WSC-River Falls) and the River Falls chapter of the American Association of University Women] |
1960 May |
John A. Ciardi |
1960 Fine Arts Festival |
1960 September |
James Laue |
Lecture: "Race Relations and Prejudice," Laue addressed an all-school convocation on southern race relations and prejudice, discrimination, and racial sit-ins; during his graduate studies, Laue became involved in the Civil Rights movement |
1960 September 22 |
Robert J. Samp, M.D. |
Lecture: "Cancer Research" |
1960 October |
Woody Herman Orchestra |
Concert: celebration of the new Karges Center at WSC-River Falls |
1961 May |
Margaret Bourke-White |
Lecture |
1961 May |
Basil Rathbone |
1961 Fine Arts Festival: lecture and recital |
1962 |
Indira Gandhi |
Speech |
1963 February 6-7 |
Wisconsin Congressman Vernon Thomson; Lauren Soth, author of Farm Trouble; Percy Hardiman, president of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau; Gilbert Rohde, president of the Wisconsin Farmers Union; and State Senate Agriculture Committee members Carl Thompson and Walter Hollander |
6th Annual Grassroots Political Conference: featured Wisconsin Congressman Vernon Thomson's speech "Politics and the Farm Dilemma" Thomson |
1963 fall or 1964 spring |
Peter Nero |
Concert |
1963 fall or 1964 spring |
Chad Mitchell Trio |
Concert: the Trio performed in Karges Center to a capacity crowd |
1964 February 5-6 |
Wisconsin Governor John W. Reynolds, former Lieutenant Governor Warren P. Knowles, State Democratic Party Chairman J. Louis Hanson, State Assemblyman Thomas H. Barland, Wisconsin NAACP President Lloyd A. Barbee, Governor's Commission on Human Rights Director C. Aubrey Young, and Bertram N. McNamara of the United Steel Workers of America Knowles |
Conference: 7th Annual Grassroots Political Conference, held on campus; its theme was "Civil Rights in Wisconsin" [sponsored by Wisconsin Center for Education in Politics and River Falls Department of Social Sciences] |
1965 February |
Han Suyen |
"Love is a Many-Splendored Thing," Dr. Suyen spoke about her widely-read novel ("A Many Splendored Thing"), and the movie that was made from it and its theme song |
1965 March |
James Bevel |
Lecture: "Next Steps for the Civil Rights Movement" |
1965 March |
Harlow Shapley |
Lecture: Dr. Shapley spoke on "Religion in the Age of Science" |
1965 April |
Minnesota Congressman Donald M. Fraser, University of Minnesota political science professor Mulford Q. Sibley, and WSU-River Falls sophomore Sosthenes Nunyakpe from Togo, West Africa |
World Affairs Forum: panel discussion of U.S. policy in Asia, specifically Vietnam |
1965 May |
Helen Gahagen Douglas |
Lecture: "The Alliance of Progress," held in North Hall auditorium |
1965 May |
L. Frank Brown |
Lecture: Dr. Brown spoke on "The Growing Importance of Earth Science in Urban Development" |
1966 February 7 |
Takako Nishizaki |
Concert: in North Hall Auditorium as part of the WSU-RF Fine Arts Festival; she also spoke to interested students about the Suzuki Method |
1966 January 26 |
Dr. Karl Shapiro |
Convocation speaker: "To Have Been a Poet" in the Karges Center; he also spoke to a poetry class and with interested English majors. |
1966 February 11 |
Ralph Rapson |
Lecture: for the WSU-RF Fine Arts Festival; in "The Dilemma of Architecture" (school convocation) and "The Guthrie Theatre, Case History of Two Men" (for the general public, in North Hall) Rapson described many of the problems he faced in designing the Guthrie Theatre and working with Tyrone Guthrie |
1966 February 9 |
Jack Kittredge |
Speaker: "Academic Freedom" in North Hall for the Peace Forum; Kittredge was in River Falls for two days and also helped organize a SDS chapter |
1966 February 16 |
Back Porch Majority |
Concert: Valentine's Dance |
1966 April 28 |
Chow Shu K'ai |
Speaker: "Communist China and Asia" for the World Affairs Forum, in Karges Center [sponsored by the History Department] |
1966 April 29 |
Betty Furness |
Speaker: for the annual Parents' Day program, in the Student Center Ballroom [sponsored by the Associated Women Students] |
1966 May 29 |
Carl T. Rowan |
Commencement Address: ceremony held in Karges Center |
1966 October |
Carl J. Hansen |
Lecture: "The UN Comes of Age," held in North Hall auditorium |
1966 November |
Walter Allen |
Lecture: "Fat Englishmen and Quiet Americans," held in North Hall Auditorium |
1966 November |
Vincent Persichetti |
Concert: event was held in North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1966 November |
Glen Yarbrough |
Performance: held in North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1967 January |
James Dickey |
Lecture: Time Magazine said of Dickey, "A poet, a sensitive yet vibrant force, a violent strain of notoriety, a loving personality;" His lecture was held in North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1967 March |
George Lincoln Rockwell |
Speech, Debate: Morning and afternoon [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1967 September |
Four Freshman |
Concert/Dance: Freshman Initiation Dance |
1967 October |
Larry Seigle |
Speech: "Socialism of Today," Seigle was a member of the Nationalist Committee, lecture held in North Hall auditorium |
1967 November |
The Sandpipers |
Concert: appeared on stage in Karges Center Ballroom |
1968 January |
Fred Halstead |
Forum: Presidential candidate spoke at length about Vietnam War and capitalism |
1968 January |
Alfons and Aloys Kontarsky |
Concert: world famous pianist brothers appeared in concert, they were well-known in Europe [sponsored by Concert and Lecture Series] |
1968 January 30 |
The First Edition |
Concert: as part of the Winter Carnival activities |
1968 February |
Gaylord Nelson |
Lecture: Senator Nelson spoke at length about the environment, pollution, and the Vietnam War to students in the Student Center |
1968 February 13 |
Andy Warhol |
Movie Screening and Speaker: Either Warhol or his counterfeit appeared, and screened an abridged version of Warhol's movie "****" |
1968 March 12 |
Dick Gregory |
11th Annual Grassroots Political Conference: Conference speakers discussed the theme "The Causes of Our Discontents," addressing such issues as Vietnam, student unrest, racism, poverty, and drugs Gregory's speech highlighted the Conference; the Presidential candidate spoke about "moral pollution" and the "totally insane nation" that American had become, advocated that all students should get a copy of the Declaration of Independence Other speakers for the Conference were Billie S. Farnum, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee; Republican Assemblyman Jack Steinhilber and Democratic Assemblyman Fred Kessler; and Republican Congressman Fred Schwengel from Iowa [the Grassroots Political Conference was sponsored by the Political Science Department and Student Senate; Gregory was sponsored by the Concerts and Lectures Committee and spoke in Karges Center] |
1968 March |
Paul Boutelle |
Free Spirit Forum: Boutelle urged a Black Power violent revolution in the United States to end the war in Vietnam and racism |
1968 March 27 |
Paul Newman
Speech: Newman came to River Falls to speak at a downtown rally in support of political candidate Eugene McCarthy |
1968 April |
Gerald Moore |
Performance: Moore played in the North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1968 April 25 |
Dr. Timothy Leary |
Speech: Dr. Leary spoke about "My Trip Through LSD and Beyond" [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1968 May |
Dr. Thomas F. Pettigrew |
Lecture: Dr. Pettigrew spoke on "What Direction Now for Race Relations?," held in the North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1968 September |
Michael's Mystics |
Concert: The band appeared for the scholarship dance held in the North Hall auditorium [sponsored by the Music Educators National Conference] |
1968 September |
Alfonso Montecino |
Concert, Recital [sponsored by the Music Department] |
1968 October |
Roger Wagner Chorale |
Performance: The group performed in the North Hall auditorium; it was one of the largest cultural productions ever attempted at the time at WSU-River Falls; Dr. Richard Swenson was instrumental in getting the chorale here |
1968 December 17 |
Julian Bond At the 1968 Democratic National Convention, Bond had became the first African American to be proposed as a major-party candidate for Vice President of the United States |
Speech: Bond spoke in the North Hall auditorium during a three day event |
1969 February |
Douglas Watson |
Performance: Watson performed in Sir Thomas Moore's play "A Man for All Seasons" in the North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures]" |
1969 March |
Dr. Benjamin Spock |
Lecture: Dr. Spock spoke about "What's In Store For America?" in North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1969 May |
Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi |
Performance: performed in the North Hall auditorium [sponsored by Concerts and Lectures] |
1969 September 25 |
Manuel Salas |
Free Spirit Forum: Salas emphasized the peaceful intentions of the migrant grape workers; he stated, "I don't think it's asking too much for all of us to pay a little more for our food so that the workers can get decent pay" [student Christina Diaz, involved with the grape boycott, asked the Legislative Action Committee for help to bring Salas to campus for a Free Spirit Forum] |