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Education Abroad

Have you studied abroad through one of UWRF's programs? Itching to stay involved with the international scene? Want to help other people discover the awesome opportunities available to them as UWRF students? Share your story - the Office of International Education (OIE) would love to hear from you.

  • Write a Blog: channel your inner literary genius and write about your international experience. (Bonus: the people at home can follow along with your adventures!) There's any number of topics that a blog can cover. How did you choose your program and prepare to leave the country? What have you learned/experienced while you're abroad? How have you changed? What is your favorite part of your host culture? What travel tips would you share with others? Share your blog link with the OIE by emailing it to
  • Volunteer with the OIE: The OIE hosts an Education Abroad Fair each semester so UWRF students can learn about their international options - and you're invited.  Hang out at the table for the program you went on and talk to other students about your experience. Pretty easy. It’s fine to bring photos or souvenirs or something else from your experience abroad, but it’s not required. Fair dates are posted on the OIE Facebook page as well as on the UWRF Events Calendar, so mark your calendars and let know to expect you. The OIE also hosts occasional events - like a spring "What's the Scoop?" ice cream social - where volunteers are always welcome.
  • Make a Video: Have some tech savvy? Show off your video editing skills and put together a video showcasing your experience abroad. Don't know where to start? Try making a "20x20 Vision" video, where you choose 20 photos/clips that represent different aspects of your experience abroad, then talk about each photo for 20 seconds in a voice-over. Send or bring your video to the OIE and, pending approval, we'll share it on our social media accounts.
  • This One Time...: Have you seen the photos and stories featured on the OIE Facebook page? Want to have your own story featured? If you’re willing to be part of the effort we ask that you send us a picture and a few sentences about an experience you had while you were studying abroad. Returning students have shared stories about interesting times, food experiences, new friends they met and funny things that happened. Your story and picture will be posted to our Facebook page and possibly other UWRF public/media locations. We might edit for space or other considerations but we appreciate your willingness to help us. Your story or experience could be just the thing that make someone else think education abroad might be right for them! Please send your story (or stories) and picture to
  • Get Creative: Put on your creativity hat and showcase your skills. Write an article for the Student Voice; speak about your experience to a student org, outside group, or school; donate a disc of your best photos for the OIE to use on posters and online; the options are limitless. Contact if you have questions or have something you'd like to share.

Please note, the OIE retains the right to choose which submissions to share/not share, etc. The content of the student submissions linked on this page is intended for entertainment purposes only and not intended as advice, recommendations, or endorsements. The Office of International Education assumes no responsibly for the content of student blogs, articles, photos, videos, or other submitted media. As such, student submissions do not necessarily represent the attitudes/opinions/beliefs of the Office of International Education, the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and/or the University of Wisconsin System.