Learn a marketable skill to get ahead in your career. Explore something new for personal enrichment. Satisfy a professional requirement. And do it all from the comfort of your home or office.
Noncredit classes are a great way to bring more satisfaction to your life—personally and professionally. UW-River Falls Continuing Education offers a variety of online learning experiences through our partnership with Ed2Go. Explore our different catalogs of noncredit online classes.
Are you looking for affordable online courses that will help you gain new personal and professional skills? We’ve got two ways to learn.
Soft Skills
Computer Applications
Health and Fitness
Small Business
Information Technology
Arts & Design
Computer Programming
View the full catalog, with more than 700 courses here.
Are you looking to increase your job skills, earn certifications in your current career, or transition into a new career?
Our online workforce and corporate training programs prepare students for careers in high-demand, growing industries. These programs provide education to employment and have been carefully selected to meet the labor market needs for our local workforce.
Open enrollment allows you to start any time. Topics include business, healthcare, technology, industry certifications, and more.
Project Management
Process Improvement / Six Sigma
Hospitality, Catering, and Events
Medical Billing and Coding and Healthcare
Industry Certifications and Credentials
Legal Programs
Cloud Computing
Marketing and Sales
View the full catalog with more than 300 courses here.
Courses available through these noncredit, online catalogs are available through our partnership with ed2go. Noncredit courses may not be applied toward your degree plan at UW-River Falls.