Required Courses: 21 cr. hrs.
POLS 114 American Government and Politics 3 cr.
POLS 220 Introduction to Public Opinion and Political Behavior 3 cr.
POLS 230 Introduction to Political Philosophy and Ideology 3 cr.
POLS 245 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3 cr.
POLS 260 Introduction to International Relations 3 cr.
POLS 300 Research Methods 3 cr.
POLS 480 Seminar in Political Science 3 cr.
Electives: 15 cr. hrs.
Any POLS course, excluding courses taken as required supporting courses.
Note: Students may apply a maximum of 6 POLS internship credits toward the elective section of the major. Students majoring in Political Science must take a minimum of 12 out of the total 36 credits for the major in courses numbered at the 300 level or above, excluding credits taken for political science internships.
Required Supporting Courses:
Political Science Majors must take ONE of the following courses:
PSYC 201 Behavioral Statistics
SOCI 250 Introduction to Social Statistics
ECON 226 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 216 Elementary Statistical Concepts
MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics
Political Science Majors must take the following course:
POLS 110 Controversies in Politics
356 Kleinpell Fine Arts