Degree Requirements

Geography Major with GIS Emphasis

39 Total Credits

Required Core Courses: 21 cr.

Geographic Information Science: 18 cr.
GEOG 401 Senior Seminar, 3 cr.
GIS 250 Intro to Geographic Information Science, 3 cr.
GIS 351 Map Design, 3 cr.
GIS 360 GIS: Theory and Methods, 3 cr.
GIS 455 Advanced Map Design, 3 cr.
GIS 460 GIS: Analysis and Modeling, 3 cr.

Statistics Course: 3 cr.
MATH 216 Elementary Statistical Concepts, 3 cr.
MATH 226 Fundamentals of Statistics, 3 cr.
SOCI 250 Intro to Social Statistics, 3 cr.

Electives: 18 cr.

ART 121 Design Foundation I, 3 cr.
ART 131 Drawing I, 3 cr.
ART 241 Intro to Graphic Design, 3 cr.
CIDS 161 Programming I, 3 cr.
CIDS 162 Programming II, 3 cr.
CIDS 225 Web Development I, 3 cr.
CIDS 235 Object-Oriented Programming, 3 cr.
CIDS 239 Intro to Data Science, 3 cr.
CIDS 333 Database Management Systems, 3 cr.
CIDS 334 Data Visualization, 3 cr.
ESM 333 Remote Sensing of Natural Resources, 3 cr.
ESM 363 GIS Applications in Resource Management, 3 cr.
GEOG 265 Spatial Justice, 3 cr.
GEOG 240 The United States, 3 cr.
GEOG 340 Europe, 3 cr.
GEOG 342 Latin America, 3 cr.
GEOG 344 Asia and Oceana, 3 cr.
GEOG 379 Geography Internship, 3-12 cr.
GIS 366 Field Methods in Geography and GIS, 3 cr.
GENG 235 Surveying, 3 cr.
GENG 236 Advanced Surveying, 3 cr.

Department of Politics, Geography & International Studies

356 Kleinpell Fine Arts
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