Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The UWRF Biology Department encourages students to be independent thinkers, to challenge traditional wisdom, and to behave ethically and socially by following an environmentally sound life-style that will produce responsible global citizens.  We strive to prepare our graduates to be effective and highly competitive employees and employers.  We do this by offering a solid, broad-based foundation in the biological sciences and by promoting scholarship and life-long learning.  The Biology department enhances UWRF by offering General Education and service courses, as well as maintaining institutional, regional, and global professional collaborations that provide additional educational opportunities.


The Biology Department’s vision is to create a teaching, learning, working environment that:

  • Attracts and retains the region's best science students
  • Provides an inviting, safe, and modern physical learning environment that meets the curricular and research needs of our students and campus
  • Demands academic excellence
  • Inspires intellectual curiosity and promotes critical thinking
  • Develops personal responsibility and self-confidence
  • Embraces throughtful and open debate
  • Teaches and fosters ethical behavior and professional integrity
  • Values and supports hands-on learning
  • Trains effective communicators
  • Becomes an idea incubator that promotes entrepreneurial thinking
  • Demonstrates by example the value of collaboration
  • Retains, values, and rewards engaged faculty mentors
  • Provides faculty the time and resources to remain professionally competitive as teachers, scholars, and mentors

Fred Bonilla

Dr. J. Alfred Bonilla

Biology Department Chair

410 Agricultural Science Building
