• University-PreSchool-01312012-kmh-3(3)
  • University Preschool
  • University Preschool
  • University Preschool
  • university preschool

Teacher Education

University Preschool

Located in the Walker D. Wyman Education Building on the UW-River Falls campus, The University Preschool offers a half-day learning environment for 4 and 5-year-old children. The preschool allows undergraduate education students to gain hands-on experience teaching young children in a staff-supervised learning environment. Meanwhile, our philosophy of "learning through play" enables our program to satisfy the needs of children on an individual basis in a supportive and culturally diverse classroom setting.

Some benefits of our program include:

  • A director and a lead teacher who possess master's degrees in early childhood education.
  • UWRF faculty members who regularly collaborate with the preschool's lead teachers to create innovative educational programs.
  • Access to UWRF's Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic, which allows us to offer speech and hearing programs for the children. We also offer vision and motor development programs.
  • An observation room with a one-way window that allows parents to view our programs in action.

The University Preschool is in session from September to June. We are open Monday to Friday, 8:45-11:30 a.m.

For more information

Are you looking for full-service child care?

  • The C.H.I.L.D. Center is located on the east end of campus near Crabtree Hall. It provides care for children 6 weeks to 10 years old.

Contact Us

Teacher Education
Office: 257 Wyman Education Bldg