Criminology Internships


MN Correctional Facilities - Oak Park Heights Internship

MCF - Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Ave. N
Stillwater, MN 55082


If interested in internship at this agency go to then click on Employment Opportunities.

Interns indicate duties performed

  • Listen to inmate phone calls, work with investigators on cases, put together death files, computer work, watch due process hearings

Students identified positive aspects of this placement

  • Being able to work in a prison that will help to show what kind of things happen day to day in this setting. This is the kind of setting I would like to work in
  • There is a lot to learn! It gives you a taste of many different areas within corrections, worked with discipline unit closely. OPH is home to the worst offenders in MN so it gives you a look at a variety of offenders. It is a relatively small institution, so it is easier to get to know staff. It is a good way to compare reality with what you learn in classes. (2005 OSI)
  • You can see more than just one job position at the prison. You can work with caseworkers and due process as well. It's a safe and positive envrionrment. (2004)
  • Ability to sepnd some time with different areas in the MN Dept. of Corrections. This allows you to see what other areas do and gives you an idea of whether or not that may interest you. (2002)
  • Learning the whole role of an institution and how it implements procedure and policy. (1997)
  • This position gives you a good idea of what to expect inside an adult male corrections facility. (1997)

Students identified difficulties typical in this placement

  •  Being able to know what these inmates are capable of, having to witness their inability to care about what they did/do.
  • The unit in OPH is small so it is sometimes difficult to get hours in. The inmates in OPH include some of the most violent offenders in MN. There is also the MHU (Mental Health Unit) so there are some very ill persons there, too. Much of the information you learn is confidential, so it must stay within the unit and can't be shared with anyone. (2005 OSI)
  • It can get very repetitive and tedious. There isn't something to investigate every day in the prison until you get a tip from the phones or mail. Many different jobs to do. (2004)
  • Some people may have difficulties interacting with the inmates, especially females. (2002)
  • Not knowing the protocol for doing certain activities. (2001)
  • Learning to interact on a a professional level with inmates. One also has to be confident and assertive in dealing with inmates. (1997)
  • At first, you are very overwhelmed by your situation. (1997)