
Matt Keller-Featured Intern

Matt Keller-Featured Intern College of Business and Economics

Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Ramsey, Minnesota
Internship:  Software Engineer Intern, Summer 2019
Employer: Target, Minneapolis
Future: Accepted Full-Time offer with Target


I acquired my internship through the emails about internships sent out through CBE Internship Office and as well as a connection at Target.

As a Software Engineer intern, I was put on the Target Gift Card team and was tasked to modernize their Gift Card system to provide a secure and frictionless experience for the guests. 

My goals and learning outcomes included, improving my technical, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.  I became more confident in a professional atmosphere and further developed my communication skills.

This internship was a great experience and solidified my decision for my career.

My advice for fellow students is to step outside their comfort zones, along with networking as much as possible.