Majors & Minors

Agricultural Education Academic Plan

Bachelor of Science Degree. Agricultural Education Major. Academic Advising Plan.

Visit the Agricultural Education Department in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences to learn more about the program.

  Fall Semester Spring Semester
Freshman Year

AGED 120 Orientation to Agricultural and Extension Education - 1
ANSC 111 Introduction to Animal Science - 3
ENGL 100 Academic Reading and Writing  (CW) - 3
COMS 101 Fundamentals of Communications (CS) - 3
MATH 146 College Algebra (M)- 3
General Education HF (ART 100 or MUS 100 or DANC 100 or COMS 105) - 3
HEAL 108 Health & Fitness for Life (HW) - 1

Total semester credits - 17

AGED 201 Program Delivery in Agricultural, Extension and Leadership Education - 2
PLSC 161 Introduction to Plant Science - 3
TED 250 Educational Psychology for Teachers - 3
ENGL 200 Investigating Ideas: Reading, Writing and the Disciplines - 3
BIOL 150 General Biology - 3
General Education HF (ART 100 or MUS 100 or DANC 100 or COMS 105) - 3

Total semester credits - 17

Sophomore Year

AGED 202 Leadership & Group Dynamics - 3
AGEC 101 Economics and Management in Agriculture - 3
TED 252 Foundations of Diversity and Equity in Education (Diversity course) -3
CHEM 115 Concepts in General Chemistry - 4
Social and Behavioral Science course - 3

Total semester credits - 16

AGED 275 Agricultural Education Early Field Experience - 1
HORT 169 Introduction to Horticulure - 3
FDSC 110 Science of Food - 3
AET 112 Woodworking, Electrical and Plumbing Skills - 2
SOIL 120 Introduction to Soil Science - 3
ANSC elective - 3

Total semester credits - 15


AGED 369  Foundations of Career and Technical Education - 3
ET 255 Welding & Metal Manufacturing -3
ESM 300 Environmental Education - 3
AGEC 205 - Agricultural Business Accounting - 3
Global Perspectives course - 3
FDSC 113 Intro to Food Science Lab - 1

Total semester credits - 16

AGED 403 Supervision of Work Experience and Youth Organizations - 3
AGED 462 Curriculum Design in Vocational Education - 3
TED 422 Secondary School & Content Area Reading - 3
AFES 223 - Ag Biotechnology Lab Techniques - 1
Elective -3-4

Total semester credits - 13-14


AGED 430 Methods of Teaching Ag Mechanics - 3
TED 440  Techniques in Agriculture - 3
ANSC 257 Genetics - 4
SPED 330 Introduction to Special Education - 3
Total semester credits - 13

AGED 485 Student Teaching Seminar - 2
TED 472  Student Teaching: Initial  - 10

Total semester credits - 12

Summary of Degree Requirements

General Education - 48 cr.
Professional Education Requirements - 29 cr.
CAFES Foundation Requirements - 14-15 cr.
Major Requirements - 30-32 cr.
CAFES Directed Electives - 4-5 cr.
Credits to Degree - 125-128 cr.

This academic plan is an example of how students might choose to fulfill program requirements within a period of four years. After consulting with their advisors students may make other course choices which would meet the program requirements and be more suitable for them.

  • CW Communication - Reading and Writing
  • CS Communication - Speaking and Listening
  • CA Advanced Communication
  • SB Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • HF Humanities and Fine Arts
  • M Mathematics
  • SL Scientific Investigation
  • HW Personal Health and Wellness
  • EC Ethical Citizenship