
Undergraduate research showcased Dec. 11


December 4, 2018 – The public is invited to the 2018 Undergraduate Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity (URSCA) Gala at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls on Tuesday, Dec. 11, from 4:30-7 p.m. in the Riverview Ballroom of the University Center. The family and community-friendly event is free to attend.

Undergraduates from all disciplines will present their work through interactive displays, research posters, slide shows, short films, and art exhibits on subjects ranging from piglet health to GIS mapping to cutting-edge cancer research. Student-made cheeses and sausage from Falcon Foods will be available for sampling along with other refreshments. 

Throughout the year, UW-River Falls fosters the development of student research skills through training and workshops, grant funding to conduct and present research, and local, state, and national dissemination opportunities. Regularly scheduled training includes workshops on research ethics, grant and proposal writing, research budgets, presentation skills, and research poster design. 

"UW-River Falls has long been recognized for the exceptional strength of its undergraduate research programming and opportunities and we remain state and national leaders in this area," said Lissa Schneider-Rebozo, URSCA director. “The URSCA Gala is a demonstration of the university's commitment to fostering hands-on learning and creative inquiry as early as a student's freshman year of college.”

UWRF undergraduates are also encouraged to present their work at state and national venues such as Research in the Rotunda in Madison, UW System Symposium for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (at Kennesaw [Ga.] State University in April 2019), and at a wide range of discipline-specific conferences.

For more information, call the URSCA Office at 715-425-3902.

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